UK Rider Savaged By Stallion

Maybe read through the thread on H&H and look at the photos showing the damage to her AND the mare before implying it isn’t true.

Post 6 on that thread for some graphic bloody pics of the rider. Sure looks like she was dragged through barbed wire by something to me.


I’m so sorry for her…and her mare. I hope they are wrong about her prognosis.


Me too. That wrist looks bad, and the update was not very encouraging. I hope she defies the odds.


How much more damage should she have attained before her story is believable :roll_eyes:

I guess some people can’t help but be insensitive asshats.


It is scary how little they are doing for her medically.

It is her hand, not something she can easily live with out.

I should think that a good specialist could do something about this.

Jingles for this woman. What a scary thing to happen.


Yeah, it would seem that the orthopaedic surgeon could start piecing things together.

My best guess is that there were open fractures in the joint - that first wrist pic there are cuts. That means huge infection risk, and at this point, there likely is infection.

They can’t do much with an active joint infection, any further surgeries are out until that is cleared up.

Also, we are getting info 3rd or 4th hand, not direct from the surgeon’s mouth.

She is certainly facing years of intensive therapy to regain what use of the hand that she can. Horrid.

I saw on her GoFundMe that she has a severely disabled daughter at home that she takes care of. I’m sure this is a most stressful time for everyone.


This is, I assume, in the UK, where they have socialized medicine, National Health. It covers everybody, for “free” (paid for by taxes), but, from what I understand, doesn’t always give the most advanced care, right away. There are private hospitals/health care that you can go to for this.

I may be wrong, of course, but that’s what I thought of when reading about assumptions of inadequate care. In the US, we often get more care than we need, so the caregivers can get paid for it, from what I read.


You are a bit off base. I can’t speak for the UK, but I’m in the Canadian system. If you need something urgently you get it. You don’t get second rate care because it’s expensive.


I saw the photos that were posted when I clicked the link provided by the OP. Not all of them came up obviously and I didn’t realize I was supposed to hunt for more info and pictures?

I saw some cuts to her hand and some scratches and what looks like road rash and that is what I based my thoughts on. Didn’t see any pictures of the mare.

With the ability to make anything true with computers/ internet people need to realize that not everyone will believe it immediately. I wasn’t being unkind . I was skeptical as what I saw / info provided wasn’t proof enough for me.

If you put stuff out there for the world to see you should expect some to question it. Even if it did happen. Just provide better proof.

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Or, you know, maybe look a little more carefully before you post something that could be potentially very hurtful to the injured person.

Also, that middle image that comes up? That is very clearly a devastating right hand/wrist injury and not “some scratches and what looks like road rash.”

I’ma say it again. Women need to bloody well stand up for each other and stop diminishing injury, whether physical, sexual, or psychological, like the patriarchy has taught us to do. If you’re not sure, or you have doubts, step back from the keyboard, do some more in-depth digging if desired, but, keep those doubts to yourself until you have a bigger picture and they can either be proven or you can pat yourself on the back for not having said anything unkind.

I hope recovery for the injured woman and her mare (oh, that mare! :heartbeat: )goes leaps and bounds better than expected. OP, please send well wishes from the Great White North.


If someone is so fragile that everyone must believe it is true no matter what is evidenced—then maybe they shouldn’t post it in the first place or make sure all the facts are presented where I don’t have to look for more?

It wasn’t even the injured person who posted and we are getting it 3rd hand.

I would have said the same thing if it was a man who suffered the attack. I don’t see where this is the issue and had nothing to do with me being skeptical.

ETA: If the woman who suffered the accident was hurt by my being skeptical I apologize. It wasn’t my intent to hurt her feelings. I have a thick skin and forget that not everyone else does. Again I hope she recovers quickly and fully.


NHS has always provided excellent urgent care for my family. And there’s no-one standing there with a hand out for your credit card before you get treated.

Its not a perfect system, but none is.


They were all on the same thread if you bothered to read the whole thing. Nobody owes you hand delivered proof of anything here. Believe what you want, or don’t, but to go off half cocked calling someone a liar when you didn’t bother to look further than the first page of the book isn’t a good look.


Here in the US you don’t get ANY medical care at all, unless you can afford it. Because it it is expensive and if you can’t pay for it you don’t get it.

And then you get billed for it.

Not all medical care is emergency care.


She was posting in the UK, not the US. IME the UK is a much kinder society than the US.

It has real affordable health care as well.


This statement is 100% incorrect and you should know better than to say something so incorrect.

Emergency medical care is provided for anyone and everyone.


I read the H&H thread and it was my decision to share it on the COTH forum. The people in the UK had nothing to do with sharing the story here and I hoped (obviously in vain) that no one here would be a jerk to the H&H poster or the victim.

As I have said, I have apologized to the H&H poster for the COTH member accusing her of lying and have sent my best to her friend. Our good wishes are appreciated by the injured lady, and the poster was kind and (thankfully) understands that the internet can be a nasty place and doesn’t blame me for the unkindness shown here and is happy to pass on our good wishes to her friend.


Calling a person a liar and accusing them of fabricating images of an injured friend is unkind.


Preach sister!

Uplift each other, but do your due diligence as well. Costs nothing to give the benefit of the doubt, while you investigate further.


Baloney. I know this because I have ended up in the emergency room and received excellent and immediate “red alert this patient has a potentially serious injury” care and attention and made it all the way to having been admitted to the ICU before anyone ever came round to ask if perhaps I might have any health insurance.

After another ER visit, I received a not-unreasonable bill after the fact and when I called the billing department, not to fuss but just for clarification on some point, I discovered that I had been entered into the system as an uninsured patient, which had had absolutely no effect on the quality of care I received.

No health care system is perfect. Every country’s system has its flaws. People have good and bad experiences with all of them.