Umbilical Hernia

How worried would you be about an umbilical hernia in a coming 4 year old that has been left untreated? I would say it’s about the right size to fill the palm of my hand.

It’s a horse off of the local band’s feral reserve herd. I haven’t seen it in person, only photos. Owner is asking $1500 delivered and the horse is super cute. But it would be a project horse and I can’t see an untreated hernia being a good selling feature. Or even safe.
Isn’t that a HUGE colic or twisted gut risk?

Feel free to educate me!

How far from the body cavity is it hanging down?

Because sometimes they are a squishy area around the umbilicus, but don’t really allow anything to be pulled downward. But other times they might be small but they look like a dangly appendage.

The former never concerns me, the latter is a big concern and I’d want to call around for quotes on surgical repair before considering the horse.

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100% what Texarkana said. I would only take on the horse working on the assumption surgery is in its future.

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Hernia repairs can be tricky, may take more than one operation for it to work, some eventually require a mesh to stay closed, young horses also benefit by a round of anabolic steroids like Winstrol, to help with the repair.

Passed on that horse - thanks for talking some sense into me.