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Unexpected return of Horse

« possible sale »

The OP wasn’t planning on getting the horse back.

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I’d take the horse back, get his feet in shape, make sure he’s sound and find a better fit. It doesn’t sound like they plan to buy him and they ignored your instructions. It’s one thing to do that with a horse you own, but when you take a horse on a lease you agree to the owner’s requirements.


Thanks guys! We are bringing him home we just need to find a barn in our area that has an open stall . Currently winter where I live so hard to find a stall. My plan was to bring him home but I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t being a jerk and pulling him away from this kid. Definitely let us down for sure but he will be okay . He already has the proper shoes put back on and back on the correct supplements!


Good update ~

Glad you have a plan for him ~

Sorry you both suffered through this failed lease ~

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