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University equestrian research project - please delete if it breaks the rules!

Good morning everyone, I am a student in Italy which is doing a university project about horses. I also am an equestrian. I would like to share a survey here: https://forms.gle/QaS9W9RoRGdiAQt39
If it breaks the rules please accept my apologies and delete the post!
Thank you for your attention.

Hi italian fellow 🙋 I don’t think it breaks the rules but let’s wait what COTH’s admin says

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You’re likely to get more people to take the survey if you tell us what your researching.

I’m sure it’s fine to post the survey. Other people have put up similar posts before.

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This survey appears to be probing the use of Artificial Intelligence in association with Equine training and performance evaluation.
An interesting topic, but I would suggest that the survey needs to be more exclusive at the beginning in order to receive more applicable respondents.
I completed one for you, Julie, but I doubt it will be particularly useful; I’m on a very different path with my Large Children.

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Thank you very much for your replies.

@RedHorses We would like to develop an application which could help with rehabilitation and physical performance (for example in competitions), but we need some research to understand people’s needs first

@George_T_Mule Thank you for the advice and for completing the survey, it’s very useful for us (we are trying to understand people’s needs in general, the first questions serve us to identify what kind of people in the horse world would be more interested, but thank you very much for your advice)

Take a look at the Equestic Clip. I’ve been using it since 2017 (I think). I found the symmetry analysis extremely useful for rehab.

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