I have a 5 yr appenix mare on a two-week trial at the moment- I absolutely love her. She’s exactly what I’m looking for and such a sweet horse, we totally click. Had a PPE done (no other issues found) and discovered more about her melanomas. One that was already partially removed on her left hind leg, and has one on her back. Neither bother her, and the one removed was not aggressive or malignant at the time of removal (last year), and has not grown back. She had a chemo treatment on the back one with no reaction.
The big issue is of course the melanomas themselves- she developed them at 2.5/3 years of age. They’ve stayed the same size for the past year, but still concerning that they’re there. I have 3 vets’ opinions- two say if I love her they would risk it, and one says absolutely not (also questioned if it even is a melanoma)
Attached photo of the one on her back, about 2 inches in diameter.
My question- would you risk it in this situation?