I have a left twist. From the ground up, I even stand twisted to the left. My whole left side is off kilter…shoulder higher than right, pitched up by scoliosis; left hip higher, same reason and left leg longer. So to compensate I put my left side to the back and end up twisted.
In riding, it makes it hard for Harry to lope to the right because he’s trying to lope into the force of the twist. He needs a LOT MORE support going that way and is less smooth because he has to take a bit of a jump into each step. I end up really weighted to the right. And if I notice the twist and try to untwist as he’s loping it throws him completely off and we jog. So it’s kind of like if he’s loping just SIT STILL.
I ride with my right hand (left handed). I tried riding with my right hand and that helped my shoulders stay more square but I was still twisted from my ribs down.
Does anybody know any exercises that might help untwist me.