Unusual Horse Behavior Right Before Death...Anyone Else?

I once leased a horse who also acted strange before her death. This mare was very herd bound. I came out to the barn one day to find the rest of the herd in the back corner of the pasture (about a 5min walk). Found her through the fence in a section of trees that separated two pastures (other herd was also far away). She had to have crawled through the wire and was standing wedged between these spruces covered in blood from her nose. She must have been thrashing at some point as she had managed to her blood on her back and sides.

Got her out, but she was lethargic and “not quite there”. She lived for another day before putting her down. She had a stroke the next day while the vet was there and could hardly walk while acting very aggressive. Theory was she had an aneurysm and several strokes.

We had a dog that did this. Went to the very furthest corner of the (fenced) property that she could to die. Before that day, she had been enjoying her later years staying quite close to the people and the house.

I know this is (mostly) an old thread but the OP should look up “terminal agitation”.

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