I returned home today to 5 messages, asking me to check on my horses…A horse had been found down in a ditch about a mile from my home. Heart in my throat, I checked on my boys. Both accounted for…whew!
I went to the road where the horse was, by then the caretakers had been notified. The horse was a 34+ YO Mustang mare, who had been under vet care for some time-in fact, he’d been there the day before, and the out of state owner was being notified the horse would either need to be put down quite soon-arthritic, just about toothless, heart issues, and now not eating, kidney issues, etc.
She was checked on at 1:15 PM. At 3 PM she was seen stiffly trotting down the road, apparently she had jumped? clambered? over her stone walled paddock, then went down another road, down an incline, over another stone wall, and into a somewhat swampy area, about a mile from her home, where she collapsed and died. There were numerous people present when she was down, including the caretakers.
They had no idea who to call, so I called hubby at work, who came over and took care of bringing the old mare “back home”. While we were waiting for him, I talked to the caretakers. The mare could barely walk, they hadn’t seen her trot in close to a year. They were quite mystified that she would suddenly break out and take a road trip, so to speak. Actually I had known the mare MANY years ago, she was adopted as a 2 YO at a Mustang adoption.
The owner ended up calling me tonight from out of state, questioning why I thought the horse did that. While I don’t know, does anyone think it’s possible a Mustang (she remained a tad feral) would “leave the herd/home” to die? The horse was in poor condition, it’s hard to believe she would even have the energy to do what she did.
Anyone with a similar experience?