Update: Is this Nutz? Advice Please! (Last Post)

Friend has a 7yo Vanner.
I’ve driven him - as a 4yo - & he’s a SteadyEddy kind of guy.
She’s a rider (Dressage) & got him “for the grandkids” - all now preschool to toddler ages.
Her intent was to drive w/kids & she’s got a wood wagonette & an Amish-built metal one (they call them Cruisers here) that will work. Has driven him to both.
Now she wants him to pull a sled.
Okay, but to my mind 2 things Aren’t Like the Others:
*Line of draft is going to be different

  • Feel to the horse - & sound- will also be different

Anyone here who’s done this, advice?

Are you asking did I, or should I have?

Because yes I absolutely have done this. Should I have is a totally different question.

If he’s a steady eddy good minded type, give it a whirl with an empty sled and see what he does. My guess is he won’t care.


Just left her place & the sled was carrying a full haynet.
That they - Owner & her teen barngirl - were showing horse, then pulling in front of him.
Right now he’s probably thinking “Food truck!”
Wish I could have stuck around, buy my ride has Places To Be.
Agree, horse could be fine with the whole idea.
Or not. :roll_eyes:
I’ll report back.

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The scariest part of having my horse pull a sled - which in my teenage stupidity I did ZERO prep for - was the realization that there were no brakes and I would slide right into his ass. Once I got the hang of sticking a leg out to slow down and keep the ropes tensioned, I had a blast.


This time last year I rigged our saddle up for skijoring and sledding both!

We did one test ride towing someone on skis in the outdoor and then let loose pulling people around the farm roads. There were two seconds in the ring that Charlie was like, “Ummmm this isn’t what Im used to pulling” and then he was like, “THIS IS FUN!” Everyone, him included, had a blast.

Would I try that on a horse that isn’t broke to drive? Nah. Sounds like you guys will be fine :slight_smile:


I sled with my hackney pony. It’s interesting at times but I’m still here to tell the tale.

It took him about 15 minutes to settle down

What worked best was him pulling the sled and me longlining him when kids were riding the sled.

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Friend checked back in.
Horse was fine with his new job :+1:
Sled is being pulled far enough behind & can be released in any 911 situation.
So no Emergency,! happening.
I did remind her Crack the Whip has to be considered, but looks like no children will be endangered or equine minds fried :sunglasses:


Eh, let them do it and learn the fun way. :stuck_out_tongue:


I used to sled with my minis, used an “otter sled” and we had a blast. I ended up purchasing a pair of shafts for the sled and that was a no go, for some reason the shafts kept causing the sled to flip so we went back to just hooking the traces to rings we rigged up on the sled. It was not the safest rig, no brakes lol. but we did ok.

I always wore a helmet and headed for the deep snow if things got lively.