On August 23rd, 2008, Max was stolen from a farm in Flat Rock, IL. He was taken from a middle paddock through a cut fence at the back of the property. A halter was removed from another horse and no other horses were taken.
We have had leads from all over the country connected to prime theft suspects, auctions, etc., but Max could be anywhere… this is why we need your help.
He is a mostly white Medicine Hat paint gelding with 2 blue eyes. He has a sorrel hat and body spots in flank area and on upper left hip. He also has black spots on both sides of his muzzle on upper lip along most of his mouth so he will be easy to spot and recognize. See attached flyer for pictures and more information.
We DO NOT believe those who have Max at this time are connected with or know anything about the theft.
Max has been listed on NetPosse since the theft and many volunteers are working on getting the word out all across the country.
Please go to BringMaxHome.com for updates, flyers and contact information. You can also email or pm me with ANY ideas or possible sightings.