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Update on Gordon the Feral Barn Cat...with photo

Gordon continues to do well as a barn cat way out in the boonies after being successfully trapped, neutered, and released. He was an inner city nuisance cat with limited prospects. I didn’t think he would adjust–but he has! The barn is his territory!!! He has caught one mouse.


Gordon looks like The Godfather! :laughing:

I love his expression!


Gordon kind of does look like Don Corleone when he was told Luca Brasi “sleeps with the fishes!”


Good job Gordon. It’s good to be out of the city, isn’t it?


oh Gordon, cute as ever!


You two accomplished this transition together ! BRAVO ! Mr.Gordon is so very handsome !


Love Gordon!!! He’s such a handsome guy.


Has anyone seen the movie Snatch? Gordon reminds me of Tyrone the getaway driver; something about his eyes and his rotundness.

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You can tell that Gordon spent most of his life with testosterone flowing in his blood. He could be the textbook picture for tomcat cheeks. How long ago was he neutered? I am happy that he is off the streets and has a place of his own to relax. He looks very content.


@LCDR As I recall, Gordon was trapped, neutered and taken to my farm mid-September 2023. He was supposed to be a TNR --but when I took him to the “free clinic” for his neuter, having trapped him in the center of a moderately large city where he was spraying river side apartment patio furniture, tearing up screens on patios, and fighting with small dogs and cats --the neuter doctor found he had a number of infected wounds and spent considerable time draining and stitching. Gordon did not do well under anesthesia and took a long time to come around enough for me to take him to my farm.

Even there, he was unconscious --which is good because the DVM told me to “keep him inside” for at least a week (Usually TNR go out the same day I bring them home). No way was I keeping Gordon in my house (he smelled awful) or near my house cats. I poured him into a cage --didn’t want to touch him even though he was unconscious. The DVM called to see how he was and said two weeks were probably better than one. Eventually, I was talked into FOUR weeks of cat confinement in my barn cage.

I thought the second I opened the cage door after a month, Gordon would be gone --but he stayed around. He seems to live in the hay loft, although he has a “bed box” in the tool area where my cameras pick him up at night. He comes to eat twice a day and is always in the barn at last feeding to be shut in for the night. I don’t keep barn doors open due to raccoons/possums.

Gordon has caught one mouse.

He’s pleasant enough with a cheerful meow every AM and PM and sometimes follows me out to the training area. But no petting, no picking up. Tried once, not a good idea.


I have a new barn cat, tried to post a picture.

Love to see your pix! I just copy and paste at the end of the post.

Have you tried the noodle finger? Just extend one finger to him and see if he will sniff it. If he does, give him a scratch on the top of the head and maybe under the chin, but don’t try to pick him up. Maybe in time he will warm up to you.

@OzarksRider --yes --and he ripped a long scratch in my finger and bit my wrist --I am not as quick as I used to be! I bought him an extendable back-scratcher on AMAZON --I scratch and pat with that. He’s happy and I’m safe. He does rub my legs and purr --but when I walk past him in the barn or the tack room he, without warning, will at random times, jump on my lower leg and wrap around me growing and biting. Since I wear knee boots (always) in the barn, leather or rubber, so far he hasn’t penetrated the boots. Wakes me up in the morning --shaking Gordon off my leg. I wonder if it is a “Tom Cat Thing” to grab, hold and bite someone you love . . . or someone that feeds you.


I don’t think the grabbing and biting is just a tom cat thing. I used to have a female cat that would do the same thing. Her “attacks” would come out of the blue, and I never knew what set her off. If Gordon is happy and you’re safe then all is well. And who knows, maybe one of these days he will decide he likes head scratches.

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Awwww - I love this story and his face. Thank you for the endorphins in a world otherwise that can feel so hopeless if we let it.