Update: Purchased! I’m so in love! ❤️ - Thoughts on foal I’m interested in

Just another thought here…it is fabulous the seller here is willing to drop the price by 30 % before you even see the filly but its a bit unusual.

You might want to wait a bit before setting up that PPE, and are you using your own vet when and if you do see her?


Also, we have confirmation that the mare is not a cribber!

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Also, if you have any other foals that you’ve seen that you can think of off the top of your head, the registration is making me a bit nervous, so I am still open-minded!!

What is sBs? Very nice they will be handling passport and registration but who are they? The details here keep changing.


sBs is the “Belgian Sporthorse Studbook” it is a full WBFSH member and often ranks highly in the WBFSH rankings. https://www.horsemagazine.com/thm/2016/01/sbs-jumping-to-the-top/


ETA: There are a number of very well known sBs registered horses that you would likely recognize… including HH Azur, Rothchild, Hello Sanctos, Don Juan van de Donkhoeve, and more. :slight_smile:


Dam has long pasterns. The filly looks slightly turned out up front but could be the photo.

A foal that young BETTER be turned out, from the chest. As the chest widens, the legs rotate inward to become straight as an adult


I’m going to guess that she hasn’t had the mare approved yet by any of the registries and is making a call based on inspection locations/timing/ease of approval.

@EquestrianDawg92 - Every registry has slightly different requirements for pedigree and inspection. Both OLD and sBs are legit registries. I’m not sure what sBs requirements are for the stallion if he’s not already approved for the registry. It sounds like you’re making the potential purchase contingent on registration, so it’s really the breeder’s issue to figure out.


This is the daddy.

She’s out 24/7 now. Do you think she needs to stay turned out 24/7? I am such a smother mother. :see_no_evil::grimacing:

Or are you talking about conformation? :joy:

Couer D’Amour is a Hanoverian. That’s where he’s registered.

He’s apparently approved for breeding with both the Hanoverian, and Oldenberg (unclear if it’s GOV, or Oldenburg NA)

Yes, you can have her inspected with an eye towards breeding approval, but if her dam isn’t approved for breeding anywhere, then she is limited in what books in what registries she can get into, and they’re going to be low level books most likely.

Does the dam at least have JC papers?

Yes, I was talking conformation :slight_smile: Foals have very narrow chests, front legs practically coming out of the same hole. As the chest widens, the legs rotate inward from the chest. So foal legs BETTER be turned out from the chest, but straight when you look at them from that side-ish view. As the chest widens, the legs then start rotating inward to be (hopefully) pointing straight forward as an adult

And yes, 24x7 turnout is by FAR best for growing horses. It’s not just about muscles and ligaments and tendons, it’s what allows the strongest feet to develop. Feet develop for about 5 years. They need full time movement, on as varied terrain as you can manage.


All of these, and now I’m confused if she’s Hanoverian, Oldenburg, or Belgian Sporthorse??

Agree she’s lovely, but I dabble, lightly, in an expensive-as-a-black-dot breed and think this TB cross is a little overpriced.

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Currently she’s neither.
Currently, the seller is saying she’ll going to an sBs inspection and allegedly registered as such

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Sorry! Like I said, very little warmblood experience. My boy that’s now retired is an unraced TB. Before I bought him, I thought I wanted a WB, but he is one hell of a horse haha. Super nice mover. I feel like the mare is the reason the filly is a nice hunter prospect.

The dam is JC registered!

OK, but is the dam approved or accepted into any of the warmblood books you mention? If she is not, the filly is not getting registered.


There are places she can still be registered since the dam is JC, and the sire is approved 2 places (allegedly, always need to validate he’s current in his licensing)


As of today, I am told she will be sBs registered. Sale would be contingent on registration. I know quite little about WBs, so I am still trying to wrap my head around all of the registry stuff!

I’m glad I came to the forum for feedback because I just do not have the experience with buying WB foals, so all of the input is really helpful to me!

Because I have never bred horses, that whole dimension is really new too. Haha.

I have had QHs, TBs, and appendix horses, and I got my retired QH mare as a PMU foal at 4 months old. She is AQHA registered and is now 22. She was such a perfect little baby to bring along, and it has been such a special experience to have her, so I am thinking about it again.

I look at her and see her performance potential, but breeding is potentially a possibility at some point. As mentioned earlier, God-forbid, something could happen to jeopardize her performance career, so I do want to make sure she has some sort of legit registration.

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Again: Is the mare sBs approved? If she is not, your foal will not be registered with them.

Horsetelex says daddy is licensed AHS, HANN, OLDBG. I was able to confirm he’s in the Oldenburg NA book at least.



And here’s some record of his offspring and where they are registered.


There’s a 2015 mare out of a TB mare that was able to be registered OLD. But that mare raced so definitely was JC registered.

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