Sincerely, please be careful with all the personal information especially since you said she hasn’t been vetted and that you are going to buy her PENDING the PPE. You spoke in such detail about the seller, linked her personal Facebook, and openly discussed the price. It gives me the same vibes as the “horses I tried but didn’t buy” videos that popped up on social media a while back. While you are not sharing your OWN personal information, you’re taking the choice away from someone who might not want their information shared.
Thank you. I will not be involved in forums in the future. The seller did find out about it, and I’ve apologized. That’s part of the reason I was just wanting to delete the post, but I also didn’t realize that wasn’t possible. I wish people didn’t feel the need to make snarky comments like - It’s not Facebook. It doesn’t just go poof. - but you’re right. Thank you
So does this mean … that this is just another flounce or is it the Official flounce?
Asking for the mare in the next stall.
Click the pencil under your post then just highlight and delete the identifying info and links (and anything else you want to poof, but the info about registries is useful to others).
Thank you very much. I agree.
For anyone who might be offended by me deleting anything, I am sorry to upset.
Also, I don’t have time to read all of the comments, but to the one about my grief and talking to someone. That email notification stuck out. - Thank you. It definitely is hard and takes time. Obviously, I’m still struggling with it, but definitely in this kind of context when someone references one of them as a regret.
Thanks y’all.
Here’s another tip. As long as there are new replies, your topic will stay at the top of the list. You’ve posted ten times since you said you wanted it closed. The best way to make it close is to stop responding. Then everyone loses interest, the same way they did 12 days ago until you brought it up again.
Thank you. I saw this the first time it was mentioned.
I believe I deleted all of the identifying info.
Did I miss Bingo?
If we did, I’m stuck with a big bowl of guac & box of Cardboardeaux
Popcorn too !
I posted this on the EV thread but it is so appropriate here that I have to drop it in
I actually do hope you post about your filly, because I am invested now.
I bought her Friday! She is an absolute angel! I love her so much already! She did great at the vet! She is just now weaning, so it was a lot a first, but she is buddies with my little shetland pony now, and they stay in the stall together! The pics really don’t even do her justice! She has such a feminine neck and head.
that’s awesome!
pics or it didn’t happen
I love the bébés!
She’s lovely!
So cute!!!
Beautiful, expressive head!