Hi. Thanks for all the responses. She has not shown any interest in eating manure, hers or anyone else’s. As far as our parasite prevention, she is on the standard rotating cycle. I did give her a dose of Zimmectrin Gold, just in case there were any tapes not seen on the fecal floats. I had a lengthy conversation with the internal medicine doc yesterday, and mentioned RDC. She feels that this is highly unlikely, because she didn’t see any sign of inflammation in the colon on ultrasound, and because RDC is often the result of NSAID use. My mare has had a banamine shot once, 6 years ago. Other than that, no NSAIDs whatsoever since I’ve owned her. The inflammation was diffuse throughout the small intestine. The vet and I agreed that our next step is biopsies. She knows that my funds are running dry from this, so she feels that a rectal biopsy would be the best bang for my buck, so to speak. I also submitted a new manure sample for another diarrhea PCR, as well as another fecal float/giardia test. I pulled blood this morning, and sent out a CBC/SuperChem. It’s a strange feeling, because obviously I hope everything comes back normal, but then part of me wants it to come back abnormal because then I might finally have an answer!! If the PCR comes back clean, then we likely will start a course of steroids to see if it is in fact IBD. I know the dr was worried that if we did have any kind of a bacterial or protozoal infection and we started something immunosupressive, like Pred, that we would end up with a massive out of control infection. So I guess for now we will just keep our fingers crossed. Thanks again everyone!