Maybe confronting and exposing her bully was empowering for GJ.
Maybe it felt like she was taking the pain and what was done to her and doing something constructive with it: warning others; exposing the perpetrator so they could not present a false image of being “squeaky clean”; sharing her experience; owning and telling her own story instead of letting it be told by her bully.
The advice for victims of bullying isn’t to run, hide, and live in fear of their bully. That gives the bully even more power. Do you think it’s okay for a bully to dictate what online forums you can participate in? Why should someone run GJ’s life to that extent especially after and in addition to what they had done to her? That is wholly unreasonable and unacceptable.
If GJ hadn’t come on here and shared her story, no one here would know. Her information was relevant and important in this scenario.