Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Maybe confronting and exposing her bully was empowering for GJ.

Maybe it felt like she was taking the pain and what was done to her and doing something constructive with it: warning others; exposing the perpetrator so they could not present a false image of being “squeaky clean”; sharing her experience; owning and telling her own story instead of letting it be told by her bully.

The advice for victims of bullying isn’t to run, hide, and live in fear of their bully. That gives the bully even more power. Do you think it’s okay for a bully to dictate what online forums you can participate in? Why should someone run GJ’s life to that extent especially after and in addition to what they had done to her? That is wholly unreasonable and unacceptable.

If GJ hadn’t come on here and shared her story, no one here would know. Her information was relevant and important in this scenario.



GJ is supposed to

But that advice seems only to apply to GJ.

@Jealoushe, I’m not having a go at you, just really trying to understand the double standard applied to two victims.


That may be wrong, not nice, but not victim shaming.
You are not a victim of a crime she committed. She is not blaming what she did or saying you deserve what she did because of your past or present actions or behavior.

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This is a case of daddy’s money intimidating people to back off.


before you look for reasons to pile on I literally questioned it above…I asked about why they were living there and what the situation was…because I don’t have enough information on that part of the story to understand what happened.


I’m sharing what the professionals advised me in my situation and what I understand is standard for victims of violence, harassment and stalking.

I personally don’t think commenting a BB is worth placing yourself back in the line of harassment of someone you are fearful of and causes you nothing but pain, but that’s just my opinion. No one here seems to agree with me and I’m fine with that.


Here’s why I’m “fixated” on the CPS visit.

  1. The civil filing is a litany of the alleged harassment by LK. On numerous previous threads, the accusation that she harassed MB by calling CPS was possibly the single most egregious form of harassment that she was accused of. It strikes me as odd that this supreme instance of harassment is not mentioned in the filing.
  1. The whole basis of the suit is that Washington township is responsible for the damage (to Barisone!) from the shooting because the police allegedly failed to notice that he was obviously on the verge of a mental breakdown. Whoever called CPS, CPS did go out and interview the adults. If Barisone was so obviously showing his distress and so obviously on the verge of a mental breakdown, don’t you think a trained social worker would have been better equipped to notice that than cops? Apparently the social workers from CPS also failed to notice the “obvious” impending mental breakdown. Is that the reason the CPS is omitted from the filing?

If SS notified CPS on the basis of Lauren’s bullying report, and CPS had, after interviewing Barisone, noticed that he was about to snap, perhaps they should have had him forcibly committed for a psychiatric hold, and the shooting would have been averted. But apparently CPS did not perceive the impending mental break down either.

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Theres no double standard, I’m not on anyones side, at all. Just because I ask about this situation doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings on other situations. This one just got brought up right now. My posts get over analyzed to death for real.


Maybe you can quote where you questioned why LK didn’t leave SGF, because I only see comments about GJ avoiding LK by you here on this thread.

You asked how LK and RH came to live at SGF, but not why they chose to stay when it was clear they felt unsafe and weren’t welcome.
Maybe you need to go back and read the old threads, because it seems you missed alot of detail.


…lots more if you scroll up

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Perhaps, as we now know from the court documents, LK and RG had nowhere to go and no money to get anywhere. If daddy controls the money and she’s not allowed in the family home (still so very, very odd to me), all she could do is attempt to stay.

Nah, she enjoyed the fight and the game of bullying all involved. She has never explained what she expected the outcome to be because I believe she never thinks ahead. Just my opinions and NODTBS.


it would be awesome to have a discussion without adding little snide comments non stop, I’m actually interested in this case and the details and I don’t think all these added dramas help but anyways…

Why did MB agree to let them stay in that house, if it was not supposed to be occupied? Or was this after they already moved in it wasn’t supposed to be occupied? Does anyone know how this arrangement actually started and played out?


We asked her right after this all hit here, and her excuses we’re not very believable.
Especially considering people had offered her trailering to get out of there before the shooting when she kept posting on Facebook that she was afraid for her life.

And the outcome? Gosh who knows.
What did she think she’d gain by harassing GJ?
I think I’m grateful I don’t understand her way of thinking.


From the filing above, MB is alleging that he was harassed into letting them stay by Lauren’s father initially. Later on in August, the building inspector posted a vacate order, and it appears that Barisone and company complied, but Kanarek and company did not.

I don’t think anyone besides the parties involved have any real knowledge of how it all went down.


I really don’t believe you are so obtuse. Seriously. You are so wrapped up in CPS that you can’t see the forest that sprang up the 10 days prior to CPS arriving! Have you considered the CPS allegations/interview was the final straw for him. Apparently there was absolutely no one willing to help him, in his mind. For sure CPS stopped by the house and at least spoke with Kanarek, if only to see if MB was there, so she KNEW what was about to unfold. I can picture her glee imagining what was happening at the lounge! How interesting that once again, the 30 something blonde was the first contact for authorities. For sure there was significant time for Lauren to have Rob pack up some things, grab the vicious dog and hit the road long enough for things to cool down. Or, did they have another plan, correctly predicting MB would immediately come to them. Perhaps they miscalculated on his arrival time since CPS was still there when he went to the house. Was Rob upstairs watching to see the departure of CPS? Heck, I don’t know…I am simply musing about imaginative ideas. Nothing more or less. Entertainment only, right?


Ok. Packing my bags and leaving now but wanted to throw out this thought….

The CPS stuff is not in MB’s lawsuit because

  1. they are not his children so he has no standing to complain
  2. it is a lawsuit against the town police and CPS is a different and separate agency.

Thanks…becoming more clear now.

  1. Yet MHG is referred to as his “partner”, and in the speech in the police department lobby on Aug 5 he says that he and “his family” are being threatened. I really doubt that the fact that the children were not his biological children, or that he was not legally married to MHG would matter to CPS, if MHG considers them a family unit.

Are you suggesting that when CPS came out to investigate, they interviewed MHG but not MB?

  1. In addition to the individual police officers being named as defendants, it is also a suit against Washington township itself, and various public officials. Not just the police.

  2. The suit is blaming the police for not intervening in a dangerous situation. One obvious intervention would have been to have CPS check out the situation, if minors were present. The police either did or didn’t call CPS. it seems relevant.

OMG! The horse really is dead. Please stop beating it!

Activating IGNORE in 3…2…1 POOF!


Yes, I think its been clear to all of us that CPS isn’t mentioned for these reasons.

MB may think of MH kids as his “family”, maybe his “family” included his staff too, the boarders and students? The horses? All of it?
Saying his family is being attacked can be a pretty broad group of people.

But why CPS wouldn’t be mentioned in a suit against the town PD, beyond the use of CPS as a form of harassment isn’t really that hard to wrap ones head around.