Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Yes but you’re forgetting that you keep on saying things that are incorrect!


Okay…YOU are the one who has all this knowledge of contacting Trump, frivolous lawsuits, extortion! The information I have on GJ and Haleybot came directly from these threads and posted by them!

No, you always talk a big game with your accusations and “facts” but when asked for evidence we get backlash. All defense attorneys are liars, I’m a pathological liar, GJ is a lunatic, Haleybot is a grifter, everyone is so horrendous except for you and LK. Imagine that.


Again, please don’t get drawn into helping to get the thread locked. :snowflake:


For those who need a definition:

Stalking is conservatively defined as " a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated (two or more occasions) visual or physical proximity, nonconsensual communication, or verbal, written, or implied threats, or a combination thereof, that would cause a reasonable person fear ."


Name one! You think every time you disagree with me I’m incorrect. Of course you also think you know more about the law than I do.

How about the big one, where you said you know EVERYTHING?


Thank you for the kick in the butt reminder. Lots to do in this glorious weather!

:lion: :snowflake:


As far as the facts in this matter? I’ll double down on that.

I apologize for responding today. The ignores I had established had timed-out and I got sucked in. The ignore feature has been reset for a couple of irrelevant posters.

Beware the trolls - we ALL are guilty of this from time to time.

A troll is Internet slang for a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility , or arguments in an online social community. … Trolls often use inflammatory messages to provoke emotional responses out of people, disrupting otherwise civil discussion.


Your wrongness isn’t something defined by numbers but rather by the description “continuous”.


I have no pony in this fight and read along because I’m interested in the legalities.

I will say one thing that the “Pro” LK side pushes me more towards the MB side than anything the MB side has posted. I think there is a term for people who argue a side poorly on purpose to push people to the other side, but I can’t think of the term. Anyone else think that is happening here?


Name one.

plant, saboteur?
I doubt it’s the case here though. At the end of the day, it does not matter what we think or say. it won’t sway a jury pool or come to light in court.


Funny coming from the person who is the Queen of instigating conflict and hostility on this site.

Case in point…My posts here have ONLY been replies. I reply to instigators of conflict and hostility.

I don’t think I even know how to make a post on this site that isn’t a “reply” and I don’t care to learn. I don’t need to since I don’t care to make a comment. I only reply.

Kind of defines who is the internet troll. You call someone predator/ monster /terrorist…and I respond.


There were 2 just yesterday. Go reread them


The word that comes to mind for me is impugn or impunity.


Name one.

Asked and answered.


“Go find it” is not an answer. Another term used in the courtroom you don’t understand!

You keep telling everyone here that I’ve posted incorrect material and I keep daring you to name one. You keep refusing.

Telling me to go find it myself is just deflection.

Deflection? No. I pointed to your posts yesterday as an answer. Refer to them. I am not your secretary. I’m busy doing fun stuff relevant to my life. Feeding your argumentative, obtuse hunger is not how I plan to spend my day.