Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Wrong! I don’t boast about knowing everything constantly. I said that a while back and it has only come up since then from posters (like you) who want to bring up, again and again, the fact that I said it.

As I said to another poster just today…you have no reason to believe me…you don’t know me. I don’t care.

I’m not on here for you or for any other poster on this forum. I’m well aware there are certain people here who wouldn’t believe MB is guilty even if he confessed and described his actions minute by minute.

But there are many others in the equestrian world who do not post here but do read the forum out of curiosity and were aware it had become mostly an LK bashing site. I don’t come here to bash MB in response. I come to make sure the equestrian world…outside COTH…is informed.

As far as LK posting here I agree with you… that’s probably not a good strategy. However, I imagine if you or I were shot, put into a medically induced coma, on a ventilator for 3 weeks and woke up to read people on COTH basically saying it was my fault or I got what I deserved…you or I would be pretty upset too.

And if you don’t believe that’s exactly what a handful of posters here are saying and believe…we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


Again, you do yourself and your cause no favors with bologna like the bold.


Yet, she posted photos of herself on. 8/25 at a convenience store looking amazing considering all she’d been through. The shooting was 8/7. Interesting. Not saying the injury wasn’t serious but just like the # of times shot changing, how long on a ventilator, etc, causing doubt of the details.


Let’s not forget the broken hand, that required surgery but no cast….


Are you confused or lying? Let me refer you and everyone here to post #1891 or 1892. I absolutely, positively gave no opinion as to whether the M’Naghten rule would work for MB. I merely said that it appears MB would be using the insanity defense and that NJ uses the M’Naghten rule…so study up.

It was YOU who then posted the rule and stated that’s what the MB defense would be claiming and implying he’d be successful because you understand the rule. NOT ME. YOU.

Again, for the benefit of those who read your posts and pay attention to them… I said NOTHING about whether I thought that defense will work.

But I will now…I DON’T think it will. Why? Because I understand the rule…you don’t.


You are so thoroughly misinformed. Please go away. RG had surgery and a cast. He’s had additional surgery since. Seriously…go away!


I’ll take my chances…thanks for your advice.

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I don’t think I have to go away. But having had a broken hand/6 pins in the last year, I think I know a thing about how long it takes, why that cast is necessary, and that was longer than the period of time the pictures seem to document.

If he had to have surgery again…maybe it’s because he didn’t follow his doctor’s instructions about keeping his hand/wrist immobilized with a cast.


Now you’re on the right track.

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Nooo… aside from boldly stating that you knew EVERYTHING (kind of a bad idea, actually] … you have constantly hinted that you knew more the anyone else about this or that or the other. Plus you make sure that the rest of us know how much smarter you are… how you are here to enlighten us etc. You have only yourself to blame for how you have been coming across - in a rather bull-in-the-china-shop way at times.

As I said to another poster just today…you have no reason to believe me…you don’t know me. I don’t care.

Then why are you so adamant about thrashing away at others with glee… if you don’t care?

I’m not on here for you or for any other poster on this forum. I’m well aware there are certain people here who wouldn’t believe MB is guilty even if he confessed and described his actions minute by minute.

Yeeeeeah - no. If you have been following these threads as you have claimed, you will have seen no such thought expressed. Hence the NDTBS that seems to annoy you so much - even if it is true.

But there are many others in the equestrian world who do not post here but do read the forum out of curiosity and were aware it had become mostly an LK bashing site. I don’t come here to bash MB in response. I come to make sure the equestrian world…outside COTH…is informed.

See - once again - you are smarter and the Great Crusader (sounds like NP) and you are on a noble quest to right an imaginary wrong. The bolded is hilarious - especially if you actually have been following the threads all this time - then you would realize that there are only a few posters who have done that. I think those who have been threatened here by LK would also disagree with your take on this… and you have now made it clear that you are not Switzerland - despite repeated assertions to the contrary. #shrug

As far as LK posting here I agree with you… that’s probably not a good strategy. However, I imagine if you or I were shot, put into a medically induced coma, on a ventilator for 3 weeks and woke up to read people on COTH basically saying it was my fault or I got what I deserved…you or I would be pretty upset too.

No. Even if it was than 3 weeks, I would concentrate on my health and my legal matters and not be vomitting insults, information about my case, accusations and what not (sometimes in a very alarming and barely coherent way) all over an internet forum that anyone can read. Nor would I be threatening others and then going back to delete my problematical posts when I realized - far too late - that I was damaging my credibility and case.

And if you don’t believe that’s exactly what a handful of posters here are saying and believe…we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

So if there is a handful - or less - then why are you so hellbent on trashing everyone and everything? I have noted repeatedly throughout these threads that there are only a few posters who have been OTT about LK. A few. A handful. Not the entire forum and every single poster - as you (and others) have been suggesting at times.

Sneering, insulting, pontificating and pointing fingers in an imperious manner is not acting in your - or LK’s - best interests. But as the thread’s self-proclaimed brainiac on all things MB-LK-legal, you should have discerned that.


I am confused. If this is “mostly an LK bashing site”, why are there so many threads on so many other topics? I mean, percentage wise the “LK bashing” is a very small number of the threads. Doesn’t the word mostly mean that it would have to be more than half of the threads?


So basically @Inigo-montoya now says that they’ve wasted all our time agreeing the insanity defense is being used and that M’Naghten or whatever the name of the insanity defense will be used WHICH WE KNEW ALL ALONG. So their point was nothing. Got it. Just wasting our time.



Just try a search on the topic of draw reins. Lol.


You just double down on what you say is wrong with this forum…


Or how about the topic of how to spell lunge? Laugh.


There a A LOT of people who have never, ever posted on a CoTH thread who check in to read about Barisone…I know because I hear from them. LK has been her own worst enemy with her posts and IM’s arrogant posts aren’t helping with that impression.


Yep…we agree…there are a lot of people who never post but want to check in to read about Barisone. I just posted that. And guess what…I hear from them too. You’ll be shocked to hear they have a different opinion as to who is LK’s worst enemy.

Do you think your accusations of predator/monster/terrorist are helping with the impression you make?


I think impressions were thoroughly made and done when LK sent threatening messages to many people which were subsequently exposed as both lies and threats.


If it walks like a duck…


I will be spending the next few days enjoying the USDF Dressage Finals! Safe rides and great scores for all showing!