Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Barn trail ride this weekend.


Visiting the barn and holiday decorating outdoors! I may clean coop too.


State Championships for Freshman XC season.
I will be a wreck. And soaked by rain.


The information IM posted about GJ and Haleybot appeared earlier in this topic, some of it by the parties themselves, some of her info was in NY Times article and GJ herself posted on Dressage Hub with copies of her back and forth with LK (shows vulgar nasty comments to each other)and how MB contacted her for information about her issues with LK before the shooting. No stalking was needed by IM.


I am thinking they meant LK’s actions, not IM’s


So much nuance


I wonder why all these apparent friends of LK or IM who come to lurk and determine this is a “bash LK thread” don’t post something in her support explaining what a wonderful person she is, yadda, yadda, yadda. A while back someone new did come to defend LK, but rather than tell us how great a person she is in their eyes, they began bashing those of us who have found her less than wonderful on these threads. I would dance in the pasture if someone legitimately came on to actually defend LK as a wonderful, productive, kind, and generous person who is simply misunderstood by the rest of society.

“I come to make sure the equestrian world
outside COTH
is informed.” I wonder, informed of what pray tell? Again, your arrogance and attack mode has done nothing to show you in a positive light, but I’m also sure that you don’t really care.


I’m curious. US criminal law and legal procedure folks: what person in what position would be in the confidence of the defendant, the victim, and BOTH legal teams?

Lawyers are very restricted about with whom they can discuss any aspects of a client’s case (be that client MB, LK, or the State of NJ). Other than the judge him/herself, I cannot imagine a person who would have both legal teams speaking with them about a criminal or civil case. Can any of you help me out here?

Could there be a mediator involved in the civil cases?

If such a position actually exists, would such a professional be blathering online about the knowledge they are privy to given their unique position or even the fact that they are in contact with the parties?

If no position exists that would provide such access, why would both legal teams be speaking to some random horse-world figure?


No. All the mediations I have done are protected communications and not even the parties are supposed to be discussing the statements made during negotiations to outsiders.


Maybe the person also works in the hair salon next to the courthouse.


or maybe works for 48 hours.


Ah, a media figure. I had not thought of that.

Surely the legal teams would not be terribly open with such a person. Certainly not to the extent that the person would know “EVERYTHING” about both personalities and legal strategies, I would expect.


I would think 48 hrs would fire such a person if they ever found out. They would want to protect their intellectual property until the official airing.


There is no one. Nada. Zip. No such person exists.

It’s a fabrication. Like so many other things posted, this does not exist in reality.


The judge’s admin?

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Court employees do not talk about cases and there would be hell to pay if you did. Also they don’t buddy up to attorneys for info.


Oh I know.

Maybe, but, wow, what a dereliction of duty that would be to be on here gabbing with the riff raff.

One thing that I will say is an outright lie, is that any one person involved in this situation could know “EVERYTHING”. The lawyers for each side don’t even know everything about their own client, let alone the other side. The judge, in fact, only knows what’s revealed in the filings and in court. The actors only know about their own parts in the situation.

There is literally no one person who could possibly know “EVERYTHING” about anything, let alone about a complex incident like this. Any reasonable person with any kind of experience would know that.


Re the last part, hard to say how you or I would react in such a situation. Plus, if it were you, I, or others, perhaps none of this type of stuff would’ve been said. That’s one of the things I wonder about; why were so many of these things said about LK? Was everyone simply making it up? Why? Which makes one think, theres something about this character that cause people to react in such a way.

If another equestrian of her level (so not “big name”) got shot, I’m not sure that the reaction would’ve been the same. There’s something about LK. At first jealousy was hypothesized, but there are numerous reasons as to why I think it isn’t that. Then what is it? Is it possible she is an unsavory character? Is it possible that MB just has more fans? Is it possible that someone started an agenda and others ran with it blindly?

I think many of us, in general, cannot relate to the actions or reactions of LK. So it’s a bit of a weak card to play. It’s also such a wild situation that many of us can’t predict what we would or wouldn’t have done. I mean, I can say that if I got shot out of nowhere and woke up to a bunch of people talking smack, I’d be like, WTH. Not sure exactly what I’d do or feel like doing about it. However, I think there are more details to this particular situation (more than someone being shot out of nowhere). Even if LK was a huge pain in the arse (not saying she was or wasn’t, I don’t know), that doesn’t mean she should’ve been shot. Dealt with in a legal manner? Yes. I also don’t actually know if any of this has damaged LK’s reputation any further in real life. Not being facetious, I just literally don’t know.

It’s just odd. What would drive a man in his 50’s with no past history of gun violence (or any violence? Idk) to shoot someone out of nowhere. That’s what some can’t grasp. To throw it all away. Over a “landlord/tenant dispute” this is why myself and others think there is more to it. I mean, I could be wrong, and that’s fine. It’s just all so

I think because the situation is so strange to us outsiders, none of it will really be believed until actual proof is shown and/or there are verdicts on the cases. Which is why there are all sorts of raised eyebrows when people claim to know details.

I will admit there are some that are very strongly swaying toward the MB side, if you will, which is a bit odd. I think it’s somewhat natural to have feelings about someone being driven to the edge and being so desperate that they act out in an outrageous manner in attempt to resolve the matter/find peace. However, I am not sure MB exhausted all resources and proper channels. I am not sure of the details. I don’t know him personally, so I can’t comment about his sanity at the time. I do know that it is extremely rare for 2 (plus all other involved parties I guess) normal, high functioning and mentally healthy adults to find themselves at such odds and in such a situation. So those involved possibly did not belong to the aforementioned categories. Purely speculation and trying to make sense of a crazy matter.


Those are the important words.