Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851


This NJ document gives details on witnesses and victim rights concerning the treatment of, protection of them and their access to information.
A victim or witness, (or someone very close to them), posting here would know much more about what is going on than majority of this group (that includes myself).

“ The goal of the Federal Victim-Witness Program is to ensure that victims and witnesses of federal crimes are treated fairly, that their privacy is respected, and that they are treated with dignity and respect. ”
Obviously this quote does not apply in any way to what goes on this forum.

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“If such a position actually exists, would such a professional be blathering online about the knowledge they are privy to given their unique position or even the fact that they are in contact with the parties?”

If there is such a person, which there isn’t, they are certainly in violation of ethical behavior.


I’m not sure how this is relevant. Can you elaborate? Or was it just a semi-related point of interest?


Posted by FitzE
I’m curious. US criminal law and legal procedure folks: what person in what position would be in the confidence of the defendant, the victim, and BOTH legal teams?

That is pretty much what I was wondering with my posting the other day. If there was such a person, wouldn’t they be in violation of some ethical/professional code of conduct?


The only thing that’s a fabrication is your continuous bantering on about your knowledge of the law.

No one? Nada? Zip? No such person exists?

Have you considered there might be a person with so much knowledge about the sequence of events leading up to the shooting and who had so much interaction with all parties in the months before the shooting that attorneys for both sides sought her/him in order to seek information from her/him in order to either build their case or take it in another direction?

Now, of course, if that person existed there would be no “ethical” problem with her/him speaking to whomever and wherever she/he chooses.

So excuse me if I don’t sign up for any of your classes on legal ethics…or on anything pertaining to the law.


I find you just as boring in your postings than other people who I’ve told such in messages. There is nothing in any of your postings which leads me to believe you have a clue about anything.

Similarly @Dragonfly90 posting about federal witness info thinking it has to do with a NJ criminal or civil case.


Let us say that there was a person around during the LK drama fest that lead up to the shooting.

How would that person know EVERYTHING about both sides? I mean, did LK really tell someone else about all of her super secret recordings? Did LK really tell someone else why she refused to leave even though she was telling the whole world on social media that she was scared for her life? Did LK really tell someone her end game plan for call SS/CPS? Did LK really explain to them the scoop on staying in the condemned house that her significant other did the renovation work on? And then that same person was also so impressive that they were able to convince MB to sit down and discuss their frustrations with the whole situation?
How does one get both sides to trust them that much?
And then there is still the whole point that even my closest friends do not know EVERYTHING so how would this person know EVERYTHING from both sides?

I think most lawyers are the type that can ask you (general you) questions all day long about a topic and you (same general) will not know where they are going with the information they are getting from you. You might think you have an idea, but that most certainly does not mean you know EVERYTHING about what they plan and how they plan to do it.


They wouldn’t. They may think they do and if it were LK who thought she did she would be just as wrong as she was in her numerous statements made to folks in threatening messages.

There are multiple posters here that imagine if they assert themselves forcefully enough they can ramrod their beliefs down everyone’s throats.


I admit that I am some what jealous of the skill some lawyers have when talking to people.

I suppose there are some non-lawyers who have this skill too.


Hmmm - another boarder or client, a vet, a farrier, an equine bodyworker, a groom would have pretty good knowledge of the parties and even of many of the events leading up to the incident.

Methinks a vet would be concerned about violation of professional/ethical standards to be posting so prolifically on an internet forum esp if there is a possibility they will be called as a witness for the various trials. But the others I mentioned may not feel those restrictions. (OTOH, I have known a few vets through the years who were arrogant enough to think they “knew everything” - LOL)



Sure - but to assert they know “everything” about the situation is a bridge too far.


Neither the defense attorneys nor the D.A. would be giving any potential witness like a farrier up to date day by day updates on the case.

There is no one who would know EVERYTHING and yet feel the compulsion to post so impulsively. In fact it’s weird. Leads me to believe it’s just someone in absolutely dire need for attention - Non stop attention.


Initially there was barn talk from those that had worked with both parties but that quickly subsided.


No. Having had to serve someone once, our local law enforcement don’t do it here. I contracted with someone who does that as a living.


Yet another example of IM being wrong.

Posted at the request of IM who wants examples of being wrong.


If that’s the case, all these posts are just providing encouragement for this person.


I get your point. But a lie unchallenged becomes truth to some.


Can we PLEASE treat IM as YD and just IGNORE them???


Another example of YOU being wrong. I said police don’t always attempt service with equal vigor…depends on the crime. 100% true!

Another poster …NOT ME…said the police said they didn’t have time to chase this person although they did go to her door. That makes sense…100% true!

They had a CIVILIAN civil complaint that someone was calling her names ONLINE. Should they call out the Swat team? They attempted service. No one was home. They moved on to more important things. That’s how the system works…100% true!