Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I know how the system works as I gave instructions on service as part of my job. Perhaps it’s been awhile or never for you.

Nevertheless you were proven wrong again.

You seem to be getting upset again. No need. Someone who knows EVERYTHING as it develops daily on both sides should know that.


I could not care less who ignores me! But thanks for your help in making my point about this thread on COTH. You don’t see anyone advising anyone to ignore the posters who call LK predator/arsonist/monster/terrorist. DO YOU?
You go and enjoy your little echo chamber…with sensational theories about what happened on 8/7/19.
Some like to read fiction…but some prefer non-fiction.


Actually if you had any reading comprehension skills you would note that several posters have asked me to ignore you. Of course I’ve ignored them but it goes to show that despite yourself feeling all slick, you’re just not that on the ball anymore.

So wrong again. Tell me, does it get tiring for you?


oh I you were on team “don’t tell people what to post?”

I didn’t see anything about cyber stalking happening…must have missed that. Can you point it out??


This whole thread is stupid now. Feels like a post a minute, about absolutely nothing.


Hey @Inigo-montoya, when is the update on last Friday’s court date coming out?


Let’s all stop the sniping back and forth please. Use the ignore feature if you need to pass on by.

There is nothing new to report regarding either case right now.

Be Dionne Warwick and Walk On By.


Who cares, it’s a BB. Not only that all this “I’m all-knowing, all-powerful gaslighting and I’ll insult you if you dare disagree” is a snooze fest.


And I take your point, especially if it is the intent of said poster is to muddy the waters and create sufficient ambiguity or contradiction in this thread such that it would have less credibility in court or would excessively burden one particular legal team in untangling it. Same reason that another poster surreptitiously changed her posts. And the very reason for QFP.

Games…mind games in particular to get posters to contradict themselves or paint a story of conflict that diminishes credibility. This explains the tactic of challenging posters to produce facts and then twist them, or throw whatever out to see if it sticks. Also explains the desire to squelch any discussion on speculation that might bring to light something of interest or give a certain legal team ideas or areas to explore. Discussion is apparently…bad. I personally find it illuminating in most circumstances. Some may find it threatening.

Ye aulde hubby has an expression that an engine burns hottest before it seizes. Maybe we might be seeing this here?


And so, we all need to do our best to just not engage with such posters. These threads have seemed to have a plague of them for some reason.


And there is it - when someone starts howling about echo chambers, any thread is complete!
That should be the COTH version of Godwin’s law.

And if you actually did know everything and had read all these threads, you would have seen many posters - MANY times - asking that the conversation ignore or scroll past any reactive and OTT posts… especially when they engaged in one on one spats with LK. But then, that would be non-fiction as opposed to fiction - and you seem to prefer the latter… despite all your protests.

Plus - wiser posters have advised me - and others - to ignore you or anyone else who sallies in here and starts swinging for the fences. Not that I have ever called LK any of those things (and never would) and just find this whole affair to be a tragic, convoluted mess… unlike those who seem to view it as a great way to get attention and be important.


True enough.


Hey trubandloki…I know what’s happened…I can’t predict what will happen. Did you misunderstand…as usual?


Nope, did not misunderstand. I was simply asking a question. I thought maybe that since you have inside contacts on all sides that one of them had told you when a response would be available.


Neither Mr Deininger , for the plaintiff, nor Mr Johnson, for the defense, knows when Judge Sceusi will hand down his decision.


Which I thought was reasonable. If someone knows everything and has more insight than the rest of us, it’s a fair question. It’s not asking anyone to predict the future.


The one thing that is striking me….is how little the story has changed. All the “revealed facts” were all mentioned in the first 2,000 posts/3ish weeks of the incident.


the basic story stayed the same, the details are confusing.


I meant all the “super secret” stuff LK stated were stated on the forum before she ever started posting.


Fair enough. My initial response was because the person asking the question has been… shall I say…unfriendly to my posts?
However, upon further consideration I answered the question.

Btw, I received a post from you which raised concerns about LK. I think your post and concerns were reasonable and your questions fair enough. Unfortunately, it seems to have been deleted/removed. If you choose to repost I’ll respectfully respond. No problem either way, though.