Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

That’s fine. It just will provide more confirmation that it was not changed when it was quoted.


I venture a guess the page was wide open prior to the fallout of the shooting.


Who on earth has a transcript of both calls? Other than Safe Sport, which seems to be extremely tight lipped about such things.


don’t be so hard on the Iberian swordsman…


@Inigo-montoya, all your facts about how things were going at various times are because you were actually there or because some party involved told you?



Doesn’t change a thing. The conflict on that day could have gone down any number of ways. This treatise ignores LKs past transgressions and history, the lies and threats told to others, the illegal surveillance and a host of other things.

The Chronicles of Indigo Montoya make for a cute story intended to sway public opinion but it is nothing more than a story lacking crucial elements.

I also remind that despite this version told of MHG being the evil doer it would be easy to get MB off by LK simply refusing to testify or press charges. But she is. So I for one don’t for a moment buy into this version.

Are some elements true? Most definitely. But the meat of the matter has been covered in lawyerly deception.


Some of both…but as you can see already…some people here have no interest in the truth. They can make up their own truth…I really don’t care. CanteringCarrot asked me a bunch of questions, respectfully, and I answered best I can, respectfully.


One down, nine to go.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I am sure they will be here in no time.


When directly asked about calling CPS she said “she didn’t recall”. But she mentioned she reported several things to SS, only one she has openly admitted to on COTH was body shaming.

However there was a screenshot of a FB comment posted that said this:

“Having your bf (mb) teach your son to untie girls’ bikini tops at pool parties to cop a feel to prove he’s not “gay”. Then, as if that weren’t enough, having the village drunk (barn drunk) teach your kid that making fun of Paralympic riders is A ok. Again, another video will soon be released.”


I don’t even know what QFP means…nor do I care.

I think she claimed that she “did not remember” if she had called them. But I’m not sure after all this time if that was for Safe Sport or CPS or both.

So, it could be the truth as you know it, but not necessarily the facts.

For example, I can see someone telling someone a story of how wonderful this trainer is and how this wonderful trainer wants to train them, compliment, compliment, compliment… in hopes of talking someone else into maybe help fund their riding with that amazing trainer or just to show off some.

The story about the horse is lovely. (sincere statement.) Horses are special animals, that is for sure.


Sweet. One less thing for you to worry about.


I saved my spot so I could edit my thoughts into it.


Quote for posterity.
Some posters, and I am not saying you here, have a history of editing their posts. Once it is quoted edits are obvious.

That is where I am confused too.

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That’s fair enough. It’s the truth as I know it and I’d swear it under oath…There’s still no reason anyone must accept that as the facts. I report…you decide.


Ah, I see.

It’s like taking a number at the babka bakery in that episode of Seinfeld. Nobody wants to miss out on the last babka.


If you do that we will miss your post since we will not know to scroll back and see it.

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seems she called SS, and waas disgusted that they are not interested unless minors are involved.

Unless you constantly call agencies and official places, I would wonder how come she can’t recall…