Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

You don’t want to read to follow along, but want to be spoon fed everything? Then place judgement on the rest of us? LOL!

Well, okay then!


I’m sorry, did I post in a manner you don’t approve of? How many times will YOU bring that up? As for me I will speak of myself and others here getting threatened whenever I feel like it.

As for you wanting to learn about Joey, have at it. Go and look. We’re not your secretaries.

Oh and did I mention the threatening messages?


NO…that’s exactly the opposite of what I’m trying to say! I don’t want anyone to believe he’s currently insane. If he’s currently insane that bolsters his case.

You, inadvertently, but not surprisingly, are trying to say the last thing his lawyers want said…haha.

The longer after the shooting he can prove he’s insane the better for his case. Your view, that he was no longer insane when he wrote that letter is exactly what the prosecution will say and what I was saying by mentioning the letter…how ironic.

Trying to say, "I was fine before and I’m fine now…but I just happened to be insane when I committed the crime is a convenient, transparent, losing strategy. Every defendant in the world would say that if they could.

Thanks for agreeing with me and the prosecution. You totally misunderstand why that letter is bad for Michael.


You and I will agree to disagree about this. Temporary insanity, or whatever it is called in NJ, is exactly what I’m talking about. Obviously for many just the option of being physically removed from LK’s venom does a world of good…even her family doesn’t want her in their home.

What kind of law did you say you practiced?


I’m astonished that you think you’re convincing Eggbutt of anything. That’s not very realistic now, is it?

Or, are you PRETENDING to have a conversation with Eggbutt as a pretense to your actual motive which would be to influence the readers of this forum as a de facto LK defense/MB prosecution attorney here on COTH?


LK doesn’t need a defense attorney and I don’t need to prosecute MB. His attorneys know where I stand.

As far as convincing Eggbutt…or you…of anything…I gave up on that long ago. As I’ve said before…If MB confessed to everything in open court you, Eggbutt and a few other would say LK must have secretly implanted a chip in his brain to make him tell lies.

So LK sent you a nasty letter threatening legal action against you!?!? And now you’re on a crusade to tell the world how horrible she is?!?! Cry me a f-ing river!!




ELSA! Calling ELSA! there is no sensible response. ELSA!


LOL you are too funny!!

So tell me… what did MHG ever do to LK?

Want her to leave?

Cry me a river!!


:lion: :snowflake:

Dexter AND Yellowstone AND Adele are coming on. Good night for entertainment!


Did I say I practiced law? I don’t and never have. But I do understand the problems with an insanity plea in most states and that a plea of temporary insanity is even tougher. A man could tell the jury he came home and found his wife on a trampoline with the New York Knickerbockers…and that made him temporarily insane…and he started shooting.

That would be a possible use of that defense and likely unsuccessful. It might get the guy a 2nd degree conviction rather than 1st degree…

However, temporary insanity is not …“she made me really really mad.” Nor is it " I borrowed the gun a day or two BEFORE and then a few days later I actually got in my car and drove to her house and shot her when I got pissed off."

That’s neither temporary nor insanity.

And for the umpteenth time I’ll repeat…I have no idea what defense will work…juries are unpredictable…OJ was acquitted of killing Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman…George Zimmerman was acquitted of killing Trayvon Martin. …you never know.

I’m just saying both self defense and insanity are tough in this case based on the law.


Here’s the thing: in this country the Constitution charges that a defendant shall have a trial and be afforded an attorney to defend him.

The attorney is doing his best to defend the defendant. It’s almost as if you are IMPLYING that the attorney shouldn’t even bother.

Now maybe you don’t think you’re saying that but that is exactly what you are saying. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so snide as to your remarks of the defense.


What MHG did to LK will be revealed eventually but, in the final analysis, what MHG said and did to MB will be equally as interesting.

But let’s analyze your typically nonsensical post…

What did MHG ever do do LK? Want her to leave?

OK, my turn.

What did LK ever do to MHG? Not leave?


Well apparently LK nor you believe that MHG had the RIGHT to want the customer/client known as LK to leave so based on your own words in previous posts as well as LKs the answer is YES.

LK just wasn’t wanted around anymore and her behavior sure didn’t change that.

What’s truly flying monkey mindboggling is that you don’t see that.

And your concern for what MHG supposedly “DID” to MB is not your business and it’s creepy.


OMG seriously. Do you think everyone here is an idiot.

I think every defendant is entitled to an attorney, a trial and as vigorous defense as possible.

All I keep saying is that he’s got a very tough case. You and others have for many months droned on that you think he has a brilliant case based on facts you hope are true.

Fine…we shall see.


Oh please. I never said or implied nor insinuated that MB has “solid gold”. He wasn’t the one who said that.

As for what YOU mean it’s clearly evident.

Had you actually absorbed what I’ve written, you would know what factors I’ve commented on.

But you’re not interested in that really.

You’re all about: LK good. MB bad. MHG worse.




Nailed it @Knights_Mom! He apparently thinks we are naïve enough to buy what he is selling. Ironically, he is about 2 years too late!


Notice how everyone is an idiot, nonsensical, a lunatic, liar, etc?


It’s expected.