Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

It’s almost like when you’re not in a healthy place you don’t act like your best self IRL or on the internet. Some people here would do well to remember.


They also need to remember that people do not act healthily when they are bullied and harassed.


First of all, it wasn’t “decades after the fact”. And by the way, no one has ever forced LK to come here. For all I know there could be other forums out there discussing the same thing. She has been her own worst enemy coming here attacking and threatening (standard for her).

No, there is NO letter anywhere of MB saying he remembers anything. Trust me on this.


An interesting screenshot….



[quote=“cutter99, post:2593, topic:762373, full:true”]

Good lord, COTH is tame compared to the likes of (former) Horse Show Diva. :rofl:


Yes those poor criminals who have destroyed the lives of so many, suffering in their consequences.

How have you seen this “letter”? How do you know it’s the same one IM refers to?


I believe GJ lost her child 10 years or more before their online spat.

This does not excuse anyone using the loss of a child as a weapon against another.


I am still not understanding who the hell GJ is and their involvement in the shooting or the events leading up to the shooting.

Those “poor criminals” are innocent until proven guilty. None have had a trial yet! What a ridiculous, nasty comment. :unamused:

As far as the one letter I am referring to, Lala herself made a big joke about it. It’s the only one she or IM saw as far as I know. She thought it was hysterical and I believe posted about it on one of these threads.


Trust me on this? That’s what you’re asking people to do? Well trust me on this. That letter is devastating for MB’S insanity plea.

He talks about how the truth of what happened that day will come out…I guess he must have some pretty clear thoughts and remembrances of that day.

He also talks about being out with the M and M’s today…the medicals and mentals! But he’s not one of them…he’s high profile! And he’s right! He’s not one of them. He is and was perfectly sane!!

Go ahead and try to convince your minions that I’ve mischaracterized that letter. I only care what the expert witnesses, the judge and jury think.

You wanna lie to your friends and say that letter isn’t a problem?? Call Ed Bilinkas and ask if he doesn’t wish he could make that letter disappear.


As do I. Time will tell for sure with so much ready to explode during the trial.


Then you need to go back and read this thread in its entirety, as well as the other threads on the subject in their entirety. And maybe consider holding your criticism of the rest of us until you do that.


BOLD = my comments
IM would like you to believe MB is saying he is currently insane. The facts are MB suffered a severe concussion and experienced an emotional break causing him to not remember the events of that afternoon. IM wants you to believe that someone in a trauma center, in shock, in excruciating pain, must know exactly what they are saying and are lucid. Right, particularly after having been given high power pain meds.


yes, Equkelly, go back and look. it is sickening. I am so disturbed by the exchange - now that it has been brought back up - I am reliving it… I don’t know how anyone could be so cruel. CREUL! Brutally cruel… that is a very sick person that could say and do such things…


That’s not happening. For one, I am not a full time cother. Two, I’ve tried to follow for a few years and I cannot follow any actual accounts of what happened because you guys won’t stop complaining about BB drama. And three, there is no story, no personal account, or detail that would make me believe antagonizing the shooting victim online is acceptable.

Cool. Still not ok for anyone to antagonize the shooting victim.

And maybe if y’all would stop the BS these threads would be easier to follow. But no, we have to hear about “tHrEaTeNiNg pMs!!!11” from @Knights_Mom for the 938th time in 6months.

If someone wants to fill me on on who GJ is I’m all ears but it’s not going to change how I feel about how some of you need to stop the toxicity.


The shooting victim is antagonistic - mean and cruel - eventually karma catches up… and in the afterlife.


And always justifies her behavior with “being bullied first”.


GJ has no involvement in the shooting nor the events leading up to it. Her tangential involvement is simply that she is one of several people who are alleged victims of cruel bullying and harassment by LK.

Since some reports say MB will claim that LK’s vicious harassment led to his mental breakdown that makes him criminally not responsible for the shooting, some people feel GJ and others like her help show a pattern of behaviour by LK. I’m not certain any past bullying by LK would be admissible, or even helpful given that all of her other alleged victims found solutions that didn’t involve shooting her.


You keep saying this like it is relevant. It’s not, since as far as I can tell, LK was not occupying the same physical space as her other victims. Her other victims lives were not under direct physical assault by LK. She may very well have been shot by GJ if GJ was subjected to her physical presence everyday.


True, except none of the other victims experienced the harassment 24/7 for days on their own property!