Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

But which lawyers? Lawyers for Sweetgrass? Could a lawyer for Sweetgrass admit they owe RG for the work and at the same time warn him of the treble damage thing?

Also, IM mentioned “hanging drywall” as an example of the work RG performed and asserted that kind of work did not require a contractors license, so he was disputing whether the treble damages thing applies.

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Michael Barisone Dressage Stables LLC, is Michael Barisone’s business entity. He has one in NJ and had one in FL that had it’s registration lapse, because of his incarceration. The farm (Sweetgrass Farm) was purchased in 1999 by John and Bonnie Lundberg, who allowed MB to operate his business there, until he was incarcerated. They are the ones who sold the farm and Sweetgrass Farm LLC was a business name they used for MB to be transporting horses and maybe some other things, though there’s no real paperwork or registration out there, beyond what they filled out for trucking.


Thanks for looking this up. I had forgotten that IM said that he “had” the letters and not just that he “had seen” the letters. My interpretation is that the material in the letters will be the subject of debate between prosecution and defense as to whether they contradict the claim that Barisone does not remember the incident. If Barisone had actually written “I remember the incident” in a letter, there would be no debate!


I’ve seen “the letter”. He does not mention August 7, 2019 at all or anything leading up to it as I recall. He wrote about life in the jail and the depressing sameness from one day to the next. I recall it struck me as cruel and unusual punishment that people in jail don’t go outside! A jail is supposed to be a holding facility until a person goes to trial. Jails aren’t built for long term care. The only time he had been outside was going to and from court and then the pandemic hit and everything shut down. I think that’s cruel. Prisons have exercise yards outside along with educational activities. Jails are 100% confinement.

ETA: Notice IM never actually says the letter says MB remembers anything. IM implies the letter says that and adds emphasis by declaring the prosecutor has the letter too! Master insinuation.


LK is also a fellow cother and in this thread reading comments and replies. She’s the target of most of the pile on and she is the shooting victim. It’s easier for people to empathize with someone when their share commonalities.

I can empathize because I am also a cother, and know how toxic this place can get and I’ve also been the target of several pile ons so I know how defensive it can make me so I could only imagine it would be worse if it was over my own shooting.

I do not know who GJ is. I’ve tried to follow along with these threads for years now but it is very hard to read through all the BB drama that have nothing to do with anything. For every one post of actually clear reliable details from those that sound like they’re involved, there are 300 posts of BS COTH drama to wade through.


Show me a post where we threatened to sue her and put a lien on her home and farm.


If LK has received a “pile on”, it is due to her own actions.

No one here has threatened her.

No one here has told out and out lies to her as an attempt to intimidate or harass her in to not posting her opinion.

She has done those things to other members here. This has been stated repeatedly.

I assume you do not know LK in real life, nor GJ. So why offer empathy to one and not the other? You are playing by some very inconsistent rules. Why the need to come roaring in on your white charger when many of us have stated time and time again why we feel and react the way we do, due to attempts to threaten and harass? Just like GJ had done to her, AFTER THE LOSS OF A CHILD!

COTH is what it is. If you don’t like it, I am sure there are much tamer BBs out there. But, I have been a member and actively posting on here for more than 10 years. I have always perceived it as a situation in that you get what you give.


Because I know “LK” stands for Lauren Kanarek, the woman who was shot by “MB” (Michael Barisone). I could not tell you who GJ is… I don’t know what that stands for and what his or her relevance is to this story. I don’t know LK or MB IRL but I at least know who they are in the context of this story.

I try to follow along and I’d love to be more in the loop but I am very fuzzy on the supporting characters because there are so many posts complaining about drama from 6 months ago.


GJ, or Girl Joey, is someone LK decided to harass after GJ’s child died. My understanding is that they did not know each other, but GJ dated or was with a former boyfriend of LK’s. Why LK decided to harass a person who had lost their child is beyond my understanding.

Just a suggestIon- you might want to fill yourself in on the backstory before offering criticism of others posting here. This is anything but a black and white situation.


It is possible to overlook the drama and extract the details. Generally, posters will entertain questions too, when not asked in a totally rude manner. So conversation that isn’t total drama is possible. However, if you go looking for drama, you’ll find it :wink:

These threads definitely wander around (usually in a circular pattern) a bit, so sometimes I do step out because it gets a bit much.

I have seen some pile-ons on CoTH that were justified though (not saying in this thread, in particular). It helps not to have a sh*try attitude, but we all have our moments.


GJ was also a poster on COTH for a while.


OK I still have no idea who that is or what their relevance to the shooting is.

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Their relevance is to LK’s lengthy behavior of attacking and harassing others to the point of distraction apparently for no reason other than she enjoys it.


GJ was not at or on the Property where the shooting took place.

GJ lost her child. I think in a pool in the yard. I don’t really remember. Prior to this she went out with LK’s at the time boyfriend.

LK went on to rant at her online to the point of telling her that GJ was upstairs doing obscene (graphically told what and where) while her child was dying, while GJ begged to please be left alone to grieve.

MB and GJ were in contact before the shooting and is one of the ways that MB was told what LK is like.

GJ was in one of the threads and did put up the exchange of what she was accused of doing while her child died. She was not acting healthily so she was banned from COTH.


Per LK:

I will answer something though. The woman who’s “child died,” had been harassing me for 2 years for (I can’t even believe I’m having to say this) DATING her bf when I was in HS. Did you not read the things she was saying about me? For the crime of having a bf in hs- who she is now dating. I’m 38. I think I’m over him 😂.

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What/ who is HS?

High school

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Thank you…. It’s all so horrible…. My stomach is sick ….

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Could there possibly be more letters than the one you are referring to? Letters you haven’t seen.
Also one can have great sympathy for a person that had a tragic event in their life, and still think they also played a part in a vicious online exchange that had nothing to do with that event. LK was not responsible for the tragedy, bringing it up decades after it happen to insult the person is cruel, no argument.
There are posters here that are very comfortable bringing up the tragedy of being shot to harass LK for two years, calling her names, discussing what personality disorders she must have, making fun of anything or anyone connected to her, being relentless.
But I guess that is ok. I don’t either is right.


We were discussing an event that was in the public news space. We did not put it there.

And be rest assured, someone threatens me in messages, I’m talking about it.

What I haven’t done is create a webpage bashing anyone. So it’s not like LK is being stalked. We are discussing elements of the case and when assertions of bullying are made against LK and then LK comes her and tries to bully members, you can bet your sweet potatoes we will talk about it.