Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive. (Marmion/Walter Scott)


The people who do not know LK in real life, or what really happened, trying to CotHsplain to the people who DO, and know way more than the rest of us, is just always going to make me laugh.

That’s not what empathy is. Empathy = \ = defending somebody.


I do not believe so. Early she made several posts that alluded to CPS having not really been on the property before the shooting. She has made many posts heavily alluding to child sexual abuse by MB. She has made direct statements of having photographic proof that MH neglects her children. She has accused RC of negligence and endangering children by losing her gun.

Others who had access to her FB page did report that she admitted to calling CPS on FB.


I am reasonably sure I saw her admit it. Will check my docs.




At this point, I don’t know that anybody knows what really happened.


Did Sweetgrass owe RG the $50K, or did Barisone?


GJ didn’t have money, power and social connections to still more money and power behind her. Many people enjoy punching down. Lauren is one of them.


I don’t understand this part.

Was this $50,000 for the plumbing/construction work by an unlicensed contractor that resulted in the house being condemned? And declared uninhabitable by the authorities?


Being empathetic towards someone does not require defending them, especially when their behavior is indefensible.


No they just update the episodes later on and show them again.

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If Sweetgrass was the owner of the property, and Barisone was leasing the property, then I’d think who was responsible for the payment just depends on the agreement between RG, MB and the property owner. I’d think that a trainer leasing a property long term could have it customized with permanent improvements (with the permission of the owner, of course), and whether the owner or the trainer pays would depend on whatever they agreed on.
IM says that Sweetgrass lawyers admit that Sweetgrass owes RG the money, and I don’t see a reason to doubt that.

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IM also says they have seen a letter MB sent from jail saying he remembers the shooting - blatantly not true. Just like LK it seems the truth becomes blurred at times.

Sweetgrass LLC was MB and two others.


More to the point
if SGF has not actually paid RG then he has done nothing to collect it in the last two years. RG is not party to LK’s lawsuit and the case search shows no civil case to recoup that money.


So if Sweetgrass owed the money why did they torment MB about HIM owing the money?

It’s almost as if the money wasn’t the real reason and that the real reason was the existence of MHG


My bet is they didn’t sue because lawyers warned of treble damage possibility due to being unlicensed for contracting in NJ. They didn’t want to chance having to pay $150,000 to Sweetgrass/Barisone.


If MB was part of Sweetgrass LLC, but Sweetgrass had other owners in addition to MB, I think my point that all three parties should have had an agreement on the renovations, and the agreement could have said either “MB pays” or “Sweetgrass pays” is still valid.
I’m not saying that I automatically believe every word IM writes. Not saying that at all. On this specific statement, I don’t see any reason to doubt it though.

Did IM actually claim that he had seen a letter from MB from prison saying flat out “I remember the shooting”? I remember a reference to a letter MB sent from prison, but I thought the claim was less concrete, like whatever MB wrote in the letter sort of suggested that he remembered the shooting.


Thank you. Tell that to @eggbutt. Nobody is defending anybody’s actions.

Empathy is understanding and just trying to see where somebody could be coming from which doesn’t mean you’re defending their actions.


I agree with you. My point was, to use your word “empathy”, LK gets the empathy but GJ is called a lunatic. Simply seems like a double standard on this forum.


IM’s post:

“Of course MB remembers the incident. I have letters he’s written from jail
and so does the prosecutor. You saw the hearing on October 8. Asking the cop whether he heard MB say, " I gotta wake up, this must be a dream” was a horrible strategy by Bilinkas
in my opinion. Saying, “this must be a dream, I gotta wake up” is something you say when you learn your child has been shot, or when you’re told you have terminal cancer or when you lose your life savings at a casino. It’s not what you say when you’re dreaming
it’s what you say when you know perfectly well what is happening but wish it weren’t true. Jury ain’t gonna buy that."