Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851



I agree with your interpretation. I think MB’s mental state is relevant because it documents his mental state, and also it shows the damage the township and police were doing to him. They are the defendants. I’ve met quite a few characters in the horse world. It seems to be a place where people who don’t function elsewhere gravitate to. I also wouldn’t be surprised if LK’s Daddy paid off the right people. I’ve met MB and he is large guy so I think that is another reason they may have ignored him. How could he be vulnerable against such a small woman? I still think he may have taken the gun with him because of the dog. But this says he doesn’t remember the incident. That dog should not have been on a property with minors.




General comment.

I am currently taking the Amended MB lawsuit as the most credible timeline of events now available. Previous civil filings do not contain this kind of filing, and various posters on the MB threads have introduced all kinds of competing timeline theories.

The lawsuit does not mention that any formal paper eviction notice was served on LK before the building inspectors arrived. It also does not say who called the inspectors (could have been any individual or any LEO entity).

The lawsuit does present LK as thumbing her nose at the Vacate order from the building inspector.


In order for an eviction warrant to have been issued there would have to be pre notices done (that was only step potentially done), then the filing of a case, a court date or two or three, a judgment issued assigning time, a warrant issued, served and then more days given and THEN the eviction happens.

Pre Covid in my state you’re talking in a perfect world 6 months minimum.


It sounds like the dog should not have been on a property with anybody if it went after multiple people within a couple of days.


Could he have moved her horses, like stables do for unpaid board? That may have gotten her attention. I also don’t understand why he would need to go through the eviction process if she wasn’t actually a tenant.

It’s law that if a premises is occupied lawfully or not for 30 days that person is considered a tenant and has to be legally evicted.

Even if an empty house is broken into and a squatter takes up residence this applies.

Landlords try all different ways to get them out because the process is so long. But even taking the front door off the hinges goes against the landlord and is considered an illegal eviction. If the squatter goes to court the judge will order the squatter restored to possession and the door replaced.

  1. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP proceeded to invade the premises in response to a
    complaint Kanarek and Goodwin made to WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP that the buildings on the
    Farm had unpermitted renovations, alterations, and/or construction work being performed and/or
    performed in the past.

Why would LK and RG drop a dime re: the renovations? If I recall from the old thread, we learned that the penalty is treble damages assessed against the unlicensed contractor, no against the homeowner.

Were they just not bright enough to realize that what they thought would hurt MB would actually hurt them?



Would this be the very same unpermitted work that RG did and expected compensation for that LK later claimed they were owed $50,000 for?


General comment.

That is so messed up.


I agree it’s messed up.


The vet’s office I worked for years ago had both a safe bolted into the steel wall stud and a security system basically in order to comply with the regulations for storing Ketamine & a few other drugs.


Yep, same


Prefacing with the obligatory “not a lawyer” so I very well could be incorrect: I’m fairly certain that in my state at least, one can refuse to talk to CPS without counsel present/before seeking the advice of counsel. Has no bearing on this case, but I’m curious.


It’s the same in my state, although it’s very rare that anyone has wanted their lawyer present when initially talking to CPS. They usually wait until after the case is closed and they’re on trial.


Ah I missed who called inspectuons, thanks for pointing that out.

It sounds like one of those moments where the desire to cause trouble over rides any logical self interest. Or else, if I have to go I will make maximum trouble on my way out. Or may not have been bright enough to realize it would be notice to vacate.


If postings here are anything to go by, I vote for intelligence not running hot and fast under the lid.


@Knights_Mom. Are you saying that I’m “wrong” that the form you posted says in the title that it is to be used for a complaint regarding nonpayment of rent, and that if the complaint is for something other than nonpayment of rent, the notice to quit/demand for possession should be ok attached?