Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

If MB was refusing to pay RG for unpermitted renovations that RG snd LK thought they were owed $50,000 for, RG would not have had access to the civil courts to recover the money if RG was not a licensed contractor.
If MB was refusing to pay for the work, RG being unlicensed (if true) makes it easy for MB to stiff him, knowing RG cannot use the courts. So RG says, if you’re not paying for the renovations, I’ll report them as unpermitted. If the renovations are in the living space not occupied by LK and RG, they are not ordered to vacate their upstairs apartment, but MB is unable to use the whole house even if LK leaves.

Just speculation, but it explains why RG would call the building inspectors,

Re: treble damages: How is RG going to be assessed treble damages as an “unlicensed contractor” if there is no written “contract” for the renovations? Is he still an “unlicensed contractor” if there is no “contract”? In the absence of a contract, RG could say he was doing it for free (especially since Barisone was maintaining that RG would not be paid) and 3 x zero = zero.

Were the renovations involved in converting the basement to living space? If that was the case, it would need to have provided egress for any basement bedrooms to conform to code regardless of whether the work was done by a licensed or unlicensed contractor.

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Shyster thinking. Shyster behavior. Shyster reasoning.

Not surprised.


Perhaps they are recovering addicts?

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Recovering addicts have an (opioid) addiction, see bold


Here’s why it might have been in their possession.
Suboxone can be prescribed to help people get off narcotics and reduce the chances of an overdose. Taken as prescribed it doesn’t get you high but blocks intoxication of other opiates and can allow people to have a relative life of normalcy and safety. I am very familiar with it as a loved one of mine went on it to get off oxycodone. They got to a minimal dose and were fine on it for a long period of time before being able to get off the drug completely, which bty is not an easy thing to do. I am very proud of them.


It’s great that your family member was able to do that. It is so difficult to do.

Barisone didn’t want Kanarek or Goodwin there at all. I am going to guess that finding out that one or both were addicts or recovering addicts underscored his position that they needed to leave. He didn’t need or want the increased risks associated with a known addict. Particularly if they had a setback, which we all know can and frequently does happen until the individual has truly gotten it under control and sworn it off entirely.


From the suit, it also appears that MB found out the two also had a string of minor criminal incidents and history of threatening behavior. Addiction was just the cherry on top. They had been associated with MB for a couple of years, so it’s not like they kicked an addiction at 25 and then were clean and straight for 15 years. If you are on subloxone today, there’s a good chance you were on heroin within the past couple of years. It might be one of those moments when the penny drops, and you realize that a range of odd or counter productive behavior made total sense if the person had an erratic substance abuse problem (like cancelling out of shows at the last minute).

Nobody wants athlete with a drug problem who could fail a competition drug test at any moment (if they do drug tests at First Level anywhere).

We still don’t know and may never know what made things unravel so fast in under a week. Also the court filing is careful not to state exactly when MB found out the worst information about LK. Some of the details may have been uncovered after the shooting.

We don’t know if LK started to cycle into a toxic phase and pull her own world down around her, or if MB had initiated some kind of discussion about her taking her business elsewhere.

I am thinking hypothetically that if a landlord realized that their seemingly normal tenant was a ticking time bomb of a malignant narcissist, sociopath, petty grifter, and active drug addict, they might tread more carefully and get their legal ducks lined up in regards to eviction notices, a lawyer on standby for a protection order if needed, etc. They might also steel themselves not to be drawn into the drama.

So I’m guessing MB maybe didn’t know as much before the shooting as he did after.


So you’re accusing Barisone of being a “shyster” for refusing to pay RG for the renovations if Barisone knew that RG would not be able to sue for payment if he were not a licensed contractor?

I don’t claim to know for a fact that that is what happened, but it fits with your post that LK said Barisone owed them $50,000, with LK and RG being the ones who called the building department (from the current filing) and the speculation in earlier threads that RG was not a licensed contractor.

Why do you think it was LK/RG who called the building department?

a little by-note
Saboxone is a painkiller.
As noted above it is incredibly hard to get prescribed though. It is a god send for people with chronic pains who do not want to take opiods as their efficiency diminishes (rapidly) and the danger of overdosing increases dramtically.
However, ‘boxes’ are a sign of trouble as recent changes prompt pharmacists to break boxes open and remove several strips from the content, so the monthly alotment is cut down.
and I wonder how one gets ‘boxes’ by legal means.

And Saboxone qualifies you to get a dose of Narcan as well, just in case.
So yeah, having a suspected addict of the caliper descriped in this case, I’ want them out, lest you come to do a house check and find 2 stiffs in your dwelling.

I am back to munching popcorn though


General comment.

MB’s suit against the police quoted here says LK or bf called the inspector. The suit is useful reading for anyone who participates in this thread. The suit as generally agreed can be taken as accurate to these basic facts of who called what when.

However we only have LK’s word that MB agreed to pay an unqualified unemployed man $50,000 to renovate a house. And we don’t know if any renovations were done by anyone. So I think we can let that claim sit as unverified and likely improbable, like much of what LK has posted here.



It wasn’t necessarily he was unqualified but rather unlicensed in that state. So in the scenario that it MAY be, work was done (maybe by mutual agreement) and some parties felt that work was worth $50,000 as is while the other party discovered the work was not good either by workmanship/craftmanship or it being unpermitted or by unlicensed contractor application.

We just don’t know for sure.

But that domicile was later inspected after a phone call reporting violations by the same unlicensed contractor who did the work and this was done in revenge for other areas of conflict between the parties.

What we DO know is that in NJ if an unlicensed contractor looks to be paid for work done that the courts will flip the burden of payment that the contractor then owes triple the amount that contractor initially claimed. This is called treble damages.


Did you miss the part where LK said that they did?


@YankeeDuchess I want to refresh your memory of this post from yesterday and attempt to point out to you your reluctance, no, REFUSAL to move on.


Wait, what?

The unlicensed contractor would owe treble damages to whom? The property owner?

Is the idea that it would discourage unlicensed contractors from claiming that they were licensed?




My state has the same.


Ah ok. I said unqualified when I should have said unlicensed, as that’s all we know.


Interesting, thanks.

I didn’t miss the part in the recent filing that states that LK and/or RG called the building inspector. I have my opinion on what motivated them to call the building inspector, and asked if others had a different interpretation of their motivation.

Their motivation was revenge. LK said this. At least that is my interpretation of what she said.


That’s what she said very early on. While I don’t think anything LK says can be taken as true without further verification, I can’t imagine any other motive than revenge or its close cousin, making mischief and trouble.

There is a certain mindset where you start complaining to every LE agency to just stir the pot. People will even make nuisance calls to the SPCA. Sometimes such folk dont take into account how that might rebound on them.