Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Yes, her behavior towards him is relevant. Her behavior towards others, the judge may consider irrelevant.

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For those who asked
this is the recipe I use for the French Apple cake. I half the oil because otherwise it is very oily and you can use melted butter 1:1. I also tend to heavily dust my apples with cinnamon before microwaving.

Gluten Free French Apple Cake


He may, very limitedly, with the relevance being that it is not an isolated event to be driven to psychological harm. He may use other “victims” to try to show that she preyed on people with psychological issues.

I’m not sure that we can rule out that she picked MB to be her trainer because his previous abuse made him more vulnerable to her. I mean, with all the money for horses, why wasn’t she training with someone of his caliber from the beginning?


Thank you for providing the item #.

It was apparently part of the original filing.

It refers to behavior by LK that “others on the premises took to be” threats of injury to Grey’s horse, including the “possibility that the barn might be set on fire.”

As I read it, the assertion was that “others” interpreted LKs behavior to be threatening injury to MHG’s horse, and speculated on whether LK might possibly go so far as to burn down the barn. That’s not the same thing as a direct threat of arson.

As others have pointed out, the civil filing is written by MB’s lawyers to present a very partisan case, and what did and did not happen has yet to be determined. At this point it’s all allegations. If LK had posted on FB, or flat out stated to someone that she was threatening to burn down the barn, I think the filing would have said that explicitly, instead of the more vague language that was used. TBH, a lot of the language in the civil filing is pretty hyperbolic, and I tend to take a lot of the statements with a grain of salt.




I don’t see that what she may have done to other people would have any relevance. He’s on trial, she isn’t. What she did to him, maybe, but I don’t think the judge would allow her behavior towards others as relevant. We’ll see.

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And if the the full conversation between any of the parties that complained of her past harassment is presented in court, it most likely will not present a complementary view of either party. And none of them shot her.


Any of it or all of it can be skillfully woven to be admissible depending on the judge.


I have read sections of the conversations from GJ and SW with LK and if the defense presents them as witnesses or these conversations as evidence again LK(the victim not on trial) he is a fool. I don’t know anything about what else that is out there
 I don’t believe any complaints about her to safe sport or other complains have gone anywhere or have any significance. It will only prove poor behavior all around. no matter how MB’s lawyer tries to weaves it
.and the prosecutor gets to weave too.

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IIRC, from LK quite a while ago, she said he saw her showing/riding in FL (I think), liked her horses and her riding and “convinced” her to come ride with him.

It feels like it’s been five years so I could be mis-remembering.



Her then coach, Donna Kelly in NC, took her to FL for several weeks and they went to a Barisone clinic while there. He may have said her horse was nice, as he does almost every clinic participant, but I doubt he asked her to come with him. As he has clearly said, she is a nondescript amateur rider at best. The story I heard was she asked him if she could take more lessons with him and he agreed. Donna shortly thereafter came back to NC, thankfully without LK. I suspect there was some negotiations with daddy for MB to take her on.


Remember, she was with Robin Brueckmann for some time before they parted ways. Many say she was most successful while with Robin because Robin doesn’t take any crap from anyone and LK truly had to work to ride with her. Robin will not discuss LK or anything about her under any circumstances.

For those who don’t know, Robin is a ParaOlympic multi-medalist and an S Judge.


What GJ portrayed in her passionate COTH posts isn’t necessarily how she comes across in person. She is articulate and soft spoken and I feel certain she will testify (if called) honestly and calmly. I don’t know anything about SW being called to testify.


Thanks for helping me remember. I do now remember the clinic story.


GJ? Nevermind, the mind blanks after all this time

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That would be pure folly. One could drive a Mack truck through the holes in that woman’s credibility.


With her history my brain seems to think that she will get away with lying without penalty.


IMO the reason SS has done nothing about the various reports about LK is because she is an adult against adults instead of children. SS does not care about harassment bordering on terrorism against adults and will tell a person filing the complaint that it is a personal issue that needs to be resolved between the two parties.


Not with a very skilled attorney questioning her.


I thought we were talking about the civil case, so in that case he is not the one on trial.