Yes, perjury carries a harsh penalty. It’s a good thing you’re not under oath when you spew the lies you tell here or you’d be facing those harsh penalties.
Or perhaps MB did everything he could to poach her from Donna Kelly (a very nice woman) including telling LK over and over, “NC is where dressage dreams go to die.”
Oh yeah, you don’t believe MB ever said that…haha.
I suggest you refer to your Occam when thinking about what most likely happened.
No, you were right that the discussion had wandered into a discussion of what witnesses Bilinkas would call in the criminal trial, and Eggbutt was speculating that possibly previous victims of cyber stalking or harassment would be called.
Yeah…public service announcement…hahaha. No one on this site with a thread of intelligence confuses anything you say here with public service.
You try to defend a would be killer by saying lots of people hated his victims. So what??? Lots of people hate each other but they don’t try to kill each other. If I learn my neighbor has killed 10 of his previous neighbors can I drove over to his house and kill him?
I’ll take it a step further…if I learn my neighbor has killed 10 of his previous neighbors and is writing on social media “Inigo Montoya is next” can I drive over to his house and kill him??
Of course not!! Not in this country! Not on this planet!!
Why don’t you admit to the people here on COTH you know nothing of the facts and certainly nothing of the law.
Want more Eggbutt BS? You point out allegations that Chris Deininger makes about LK or RG in his complaint and hold it out as fact because Deininger says this is what he was told. NO, Deininger’s lies (and they are lies) have nothing to do with the truth! Deininger is nothing more than a gunslinger throwing a Hail Mary hoping for a big payday for himself.
Now go back to your Elsa and Apple Pie talk. Use the ignore feature. Just STOP lying.
Come to think of it, it IS apple pie season. I love a good apple pie. This bakery by me does one that’s SO good my family asks for it every year. And I oblige.
@Knights_Mom: I know this might be an unpopular opinion in America, but I do not like apples + cinnamon. I know! I know! It’s sacrilege! But that is why I don’t like apple pie very much. Or…didn’t.
I used to make a french pastry that involved puff filled with an apple/vanilla compote. Divine!
Now my apple pie is apple, vanilla. I make the compote (apples, sugar, vanilla bean) cooking it down until it’s very caramelised.
I spread that on the bottom of the pie shell, arrange thinly sliced apples, sprinkle with sugar and dot with butter, crimp the sides and bake.
Meanwhile, cook the peels from the apples with a piece of vanilla bean to make an apple-y syrup. Brush that over the pie when it comes out, et voilà!!