Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Well, she also didn’t really claim anything, rather she assumed the “hysterical, emotionally unbalanced woman” role

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What she allegedly did to GJ is not in the realm of “annoy”.
Catch up.


Why do you think the degree matters? Not one person who has ever had a negative experience with LK had the right to shoot her. Take out a restraining order? Sure, that’s a reasonable and normal response. Did any of these people do that and if so, what was the outcome? If not, why not? If she was as scary as you seem to be making her out to be, someone must have contacted the authorities about it and filed official paperwork. Where is that paperwork?

As far as the threats to people here, those sound like crazy non-threats, because there was no way she could have actually carried through with them. Didn’t she threaten someone here that she would take their farm? Was that person naive enough to believe that she could do that, and if so, did that person contact a lawyer who should have told her immediately that it was an empty threat and the person should ignore it? If not, shame on that person for being gullible. [Edit]


Your assuming he shot her on purpose….that hasn’t been established without a doubt yet.


Did GJ alert the authorities at the time of the event? I don’t need to catch up; I’m well aware of the story and it is horrifying. Thankfully GJ had the good sense to not shoot LK in response to what she did to her, so she is free to live her life as she pleases.


You are right about that - I am basing my opinion solely on the information provided by authorities after the shooting. It could certainly change during the trial when more information comes out.


WOW! Talk about arrogance!!

Obviously you didn’t read the last sentence of my last response to you.

Another for the Ignore pile. You don’t deserve responses.


The “authorities” went on one individual’s statement… her complicit boyfriend. Not one other person.


Has anything been established without a doubt other than the key players :sweat_smile:


After a week of LK/RG of playing innocent victims of the “crazy man” too I’m sure.


I’m curious why they would have done that?

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Actually, yes, quite a bit….if you pay attention both sides have established quite a few details.

Care to chime in about my scenario? It seems rather in line with the kinds of things going on in this incident…


I addressed that possibility in another post that you clearly didn’t read.

LK and MB were both in the hospital. It appears they made their mind up standing in the yard the day of the shooting talking to RG. They were quite nonchalant when they finally went to the barn to speak with anyone else and actually seemed shell shocked. They wanted to tie it all up in a neat little bow.


Who. Said. They. Did?


Oh you are right…refresh my memory where you addressed self defense.


I have no idea who the cops talked to when they responded to the shooting. All I know is what was published and that MB is the only one in jail facing some pretty serious charges. I am not going to waste my time or anyone else’s coming up with crazy conspiracy theories or baseless theories when the actual facts are very limited. As I already said, additional facts will come out during the trial, and I may change my position then depending on what those facts are. But I am not going to play this game that some of you are playing where you make up a bunch of soap opera type scenarios and all agree that that is probably what happened, and defend your positions on the fact that eggbutt has some kind of secret insider information that must be true beyond any doubt because it fits what you want to be true. I will wait for the actual facts.




All the more reason to not believe LK’s version of events. No accomplice or conspiracy charges even though she says it was “all planned” with 3 other people and the gun was given to MB to use by one of those people.


Just stop. Multiple people have spent MONTHS believing that those who have previously been harassed by LK would be beneficial witnesses for the defense in MBs case. This in itself implies that these people believe that the fact that LK harassed others will help to provide a reason that MB shot her, and that it will help his defense. Lots of you here do this all the time; you insinuate things and when you get called out you scream “WHO SAID THAT SHOW ME THE QUOTE”. It’s [bull] and it needs to stop. There are people here who use this tactic in this thread, and then turn around in the Current Events forum and call people out for doing the same thing.

Own the meaning behind your words, or don’t use them.