Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Well, there are people who have been banned from USEF for Safe Sport or other reasons who still continue to make a living in the horse business.

I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, or if it would happen in this particular case. But it has certainly happened in the past in other cases.


But didn’t you say the calls are bogus?

I believe the police are currently being sued for inaction, not lying but inaction and incompetence.

And, I choose to believe almost anyone but you.

Did you forget Dick Gray was also there?


One simply has to savor the sheer irony of posts like this… asserting that they know what others are thinking, accusing others of the very tactics they are delighting in… and then presenting themselves as some sort of martyr and/or elite warrior fighting for truth, justice and the American way.

Stay the course. You are not alone. Oh good heavens - you are discussing a shooting incident on COTH, not trekking across Mordor to Mount Doom while avoiding orcs, Uruk-hai, Nazgul and dealing with an untrustworthy Smeagol.

I finally waded through all the chum to catch up on this thread and the current status of this case - the best part of which was become the Dread Pirate Roberts. It is not the QFPs that bog the thread down - as much as the repeated personal snarking. I have also seen no MB bandwagon and no gushing MB fangirls… can someone who insists these things exist in mass quantities kindly direct me to examples of this?



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If you don’t 100% believe LK, take all her words as fact, and believe that her version of the events is all true and the only truth, you’re an MB fan, apparently.

She may very well tell some truth, but I just don’t take people’s “word” for it. I wouldn’t take MB’s word for it either. Apparently this is offensive :woman_shrugging:

Then there’s the whole choosing a side thing on the LK or MB matter, or on other matters. What if I told you that you don’t have to choose sides? /matrixmeme

The whole thing is madness, and a lot of things don’t add up to us, as outsiders because none of us have ever been involved in anything like it (hey, it’s not normal…at all).


Once again, not a MB fan.


I agree with every word of this post. There is MB’s version of events. There is LK’s version of events. There is MHG’s version of events. Unlike those who feign innocence here and insist they are not close to the events or anyone involved, 95% of us have no “side” and just want to sort things out and follow along. You know, like watching an episode of 48 Hours or Dateline or 20/20…


Seriously? Let’s please not get into calling other posters here “stupid.” Disagree if you like, but don’t name call. Thanks.


Yup. Let justice prevail. Let truth reveal herself.


And then the chips fall where they should. And I have no doubt some will be red chips and some will be black chips.

I do like the idea of redemption and comeback as in everyone learns their lesson, pays whatever price justice dictates, returns to full health and dedicates themselves to living an awesome life and helping others.

I believe my cohorts agree.


For those who keep going on about him not pleading “self-defense”, I’d like to remind everyone that NJ basically doesn’t believe you have a right to self-defense and so almost no one has that defense available to them. You are pretty much required to allow your attacker to injure you before you can.


Only one member who simply can’t, cause she needs the attention.
I’m not sure they can hush her up.


Does a broken arm count as being injured? Bleeding head wound, maybe?


Well, MB was injured…


Almost as if there was a scuffle between two guys, a dog, a flailing woman and then a gun went off?


Do posters think illegal recordings are as bad as attempted murder and should be penalized with the same umph?


And again, the name-calling. Are we adults with differing opinions having a civil, if admittedly heated, discussion or 3rd graders on the playground acting like brats to each other? Come on grown-ups, we can do better than this.


It’s funny in the original threads I said this and everyone was going on for pages and pages that no, it could apply.

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Like I said, they technically have a self defense but have placed so many conditions upon it that it practically doesn’t exist. The judge has discretion to throw it out based on facts of the case. You can’t be involved in “escalating” an altercation and use self defense. You can’t be the only one armed an use self defense. You have to attempt to retreat first. A whole laundry list of things. You used “too much force” lets them throw out self defense as well.

Basically, even if it’s self defense they don’t care….


I don’t think most of us consider it attempted murder. Accidental shooting at worst, self defense at best.

More to the point….just because NJ has decided to not allow their citizens the right to self defense doesn’t mean the need to defend ones self wasn’t present.


The ironic thing about that first post is that people WERE threatened and attempts to intimidate were made, just not by anyone that post was made about.

Interesting that even more DM threats have been mentioned recently. There must have been a lot of threatening behaviour going on there until it was shut down by exposure. I recall a now-banned minion was also involved in DMing folks that they should not post or should not post about certain topics or in certain ways.

I’m glad no one allowed those folks to threaten or intimidate them or, if they did, they now feel free to come back and participate.