Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

More like they were arguing, she was hitting him with the phone, and the RG let the dog out to attack him.


Ok. Go onā€¦ Iā€™m willing to imagine this storyline. Then what happened next?


Well, the I guess itā€™s possible LK got shot trying to keep him from shooting the dog. One missed and hit near the houseā€¦.somehow it ended with the dog biting everyone and RG sitting on MBā€™s back.


Completely plausible.


Were there any injuries from the incident that day that looked like dog bites? Or is that part pure conjecture?

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MBā€™s legs and arms per the last hearing.


LKā€™s narration of events stated the dog was biting MB and RG. RG was stated as standing near the door to the house, so could have easily opened it to let the dog out. LK and MB were in the yard with a table between them. If LK had her back to the house she might not have realized the dog was let out (she seemed to imply she didnā€™t in her narrative) and it could have appeared like MB just pulled the gun out of nowhereā€¦.

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There was no table that I could see. Might be wrong though.

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All I have said for over 2 years is there are many ways this could have happened. I wouldnā€™t take Robā€™s version of events lightly, and I donā€™t say that because I am an MB fan. I just know the reputations of the other two and am quite suspicious of their various stories.


Ok I have handled quite a variety of guns but I guess nothing like that haha

That phrase is well known and I actually agree with it. If you marry some jerk for their money and have to stroke their ego and kowtow to get the things you want, thatā€™s crappy and you are certainly paying for your end of the bargain. BUT, itā€™s the bargain you willingly made. You can change that whenever you want. (in all cases the general you, not you, iberianfan)

My husband makes a really good salary and I was a SAHM for the first few years after our children were born. Luckily heā€™s not a jerk so I didnā€™t feel I was earning every penny, but I did feel I should ask before any big purchases, deferred to him on holiday bookings, etc. He never said no or was stingy or anything, but I felt such relief when I went back to work and had my own income again. I did not have to go back to work financially for our family. I went back b/c I wanted to, I like working, I wanted my children to see a working mom (most in our social circle donā€™t work), and, hereā€™s another great saying: a man is not a financial plan. I like making my own financial decisions as well as our joint family decisions.

And, remember, all the things your friends with the spouses of significant wealth do, we all also do IN ADDITION to our paid employment, so thatā€™s neither here nor there. I work full time+ and Iā€™m still entertaining my husbandā€™s associates/partners/clients and he, in turn, is happy to do the same for mine. My parenting and entertaining duties did not decrease one iota when I went back to work full time from what I did when I was staying home with the children.

Also, I did not actually make a sweeping generalisation of non-working people with wealth as I was once one of those myself. I made a pointed statement about people in that category who (i) look down on workers of any type whatsoever, be it barn staff of fast food workers; (ii) brag about their lifestyles and how they will only stay in certain types of hotels or never fly economy, or whatever; and (iii) have earned none of the money that affords them those things.

Whether itā€™s inherited or married money, those people earn zero respect from me b/c they look down on others who are labouring in honest jobs to meet their needs. Those are the non-working people of wealth with whom I took issue.

As an addition, I take issue with working people who mock other peopleā€™s jobs. The whole idea is repulsive and ignorant.


Please avoid the profanity and name calling being exchanged by various posters. Weā€™ve edited some recent posts.


Sorry for spelling out BS. Wasnā€™t directed at anyone or name calling, but heated about abusers. I forgot to proof read and edit.

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I do not recall this, but how could I recall anything from these threads :rofl: technically it could apply. Very, very, slim chance though. If posters want to discuss how/why it could apply, even if they are ultimately wrong, then whatever.

I donā€™t think anyone thinks this.


I agree that no one thinks this. I think most people think that making illegal recordings was really bad behaviour and speaks to what was going on at the farm and what MB and MHG were dealing with. It is also discussed as ā€œevidenceā€ being that it will be inadmissible no matter what was captured on there.

Thatā€™s why I was wondering what the end game was for all the illegal recording devices. Since any recordings would be inadmissible in court, what was the purpose? Several people have noted that the purpose was likely just to harass the other people at the barn and threaten them by alluding to conversations that they thought were private - or at least that they knew were had in the absence of LK/RG, not knowing they were being recorded.

I donā€™t think even if the recordings revealed an alleged plot = there will be no repercussions for having made them. Regardless of the content of the tapes, if it was illegal to make them, one could still be held accountable for having broken that law. Since the contents are inadmissible, they would not be allowed as a defense against illegal recording charges, so it should be immaterial whats on them.


I still donā€™t understand (but maybe someone can explain this to me) why youā€™d set up recording devices around a stable/property that isnā€™t yours, without permission from the owner, and not inform anybodyā€¦therefore making if illegal.

Still havenā€™t thought of a legit reason for this. If itā€™s because you felt ā€œthreatenedā€ okā€¦then leavešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

I donā€™t know what the purpose would be aside from harassment and/or trying to use it against someone/hoping they would be foolish enough to be intimidated by it. Since I donā€™t do this kind of thing, I just donā€™t understand it.


My guess is extortion.


I was thinking along the same lines in blackmailā€¦to fish and see what got caught on tape. And of course one could play out whatever drama one wished knowing the devices were there, and spin accordingly.

As they say in signing a player in hockeyā€¦.future considerations.


All good points. I read it as a sweeping generalization, so I apologize for misunderstanding.


As far as recordings go, good ole Inigo-montoya has told us they exist.

They exist because that is how LK knew there was a plot to kill her. Remember the people in the black SUV she was sure were there to kill her???