Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I think a lot of things happened in this case that will just flat out never make any sense to many of us, since we have never been in a similar situation, or thought of attempting similar behavior.


I thought the story was that she just happened to hear a car come up the drive at 3 am, looked out the window and saw a blacked-out SUV, and then from the house managed to overhear a conversation in which a hit man was being hired. Was it claimed there was a recording of the hit man-hiring incident as well?

So confusing.

If a hitman was hired then why did the hitman not do the job?


I believe this goes to show the paranoia and delusion that a major player in this event suffers from.

But look at it this way- you scheme to destroy someone. You do everything in your power to make that happen- you use an abusive childhood against them, drive them from their home, disrupt their business, threaten their clients, threaten to burn their business down, attempt to have their family removed from them, make sure they are deprived of sleep, make recordings of their private conversations and then drop hints that you were privy to those conversations.

Now remember your goal is to break this person, so you are well aware they are on the edge. But, you wrongly believe you are totally in control, because you are you and in the end, it is all about YOU and what YOU want.

This person’s “fatal error” was believing so much in their power and delusion that they assumed they had total control of their victim, the person who was the target of all these things. They believed wrong.


I wonder if paranoia was at play. I know when people are paranoid it is a common thing to do, VARs, hidden cameras, etc.


FYI, I knew someone who did this to his girlfriend as she was trying (over the course of months) to break things off with him. He still had access to her apartment and would sneak in while she was away and take items, only to return them a few days or a week later and replace them near where she’d last had them. He was only trying to make her think she was losing her mind. Only.
And this was back in the 1970’s.


If I were the type to hire a hit man I would be on my best behavior knowing that soon, the offensive person would be gone.

That did not happen. Plus either you hire the hitman to off the boyfriend too or your plan is faulty. (Any plan to hire a hitman is faulty but above and beyond that)


But she didn’t call the police until the next day. It couldn’t have been that threatening.


Yeah but you aren’t a criminal hahaha

Criminals are dumb and do dumb stuff all the time including bragging about things or being too out there about what they know or are planning.

And there is no way that would be something that the average person would know. It’s usually called a “trigger job”, though a more accurate name is a action adjustment. It involves lightly sanding some of the moving parts of the pistol and adjusting the tension on the spring for the hammer/trigger.

I work somewhat in the firearms industry, and have friends who competitively shoot. It is something that is most often seen in the competitive shooting world where fractions of a second and a millimeter matter. Or if someone has limited grip strength.


She doesn’t ever think through her schemes to the probable end result. She believes in her fantasy endings, whatever that might be. No rational person would have thought this was going to end well with the continued threats and harassment.

Remember, there were more people involved in the environment than just the main characters. There were boarders who witnessed much of the terror and were concerned with the safety of their horses and friends.

What a shame she still practices her habit of intimidation and threats against others.


I think she does think thru her schemes.
She might not imagine the end result being different than her winning, but she thinks thru them just fine. She has been doing this her whole life and it has worked for her for her whole life. There is no reason why she would even slightly think that her usual MO would end anyway but to her benefit.


What would any of us have done in this situation?

After days of harassment, exhaustion, threats of all sorts, pressure from boarders and family to resolve the problem, kicked out of your own home, CPS arriving with bogus complaints, minors on your property threatened by one of the key players, no support from police
what would any of us have done to immediately relieve the pressure and trauma. Shooting someone is not the answer. You have hundreds of thousands of dollars in animals and property to consider. Waiting 30 days for legal eviction process to work after the terror of the past 7 - 10 days is unrealistic. Does anyone actually believe LK would have honored a restraining order? She ignored the Town demanding the house be vacated. Exactly what would you do?


Can you refresh my memory why he was kicked out of his home? I don’t remember that part.

She called the township about issues with the farmhouse and it was condemned. He and his family, as well as her and her boyfriend, were not supposed to be living in it after it was condemned. Barisone, his family and employees vacated the farmhouse, and relocated to the barn.

She and her boyfriend did not.


was this the one they were living in too or a different house?

This happened to a girlfriend of mine two years ago, she thought she was going absolutely insane. :angry:


I believe there is only one house.


Thanks, I didn’t realize they were all living in the same house.

Only one house with multiple living areas, but shared common areas, as I understand it.

The barn had a club room and possibly an apartment for employees. That is where Barisone, his family and employees retreated to.