Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Former listing for property, as it was sold.




Yes, that farm is simply stunning. And incredibly expensive. Yearly real estate taxes are over $22K per year, let alone maintenance, upkeep, repairs or improvements, and a monthly mortgage payment.

From my understanding, MB was not born into money, nor had a silver spoon in his mouth. He worked, and I am sure worked hard, to earn that property. Yes, he had partners, but business relationships like this are not developed without respect and trust, which have to be earned.

Now imagine someone, someone who you had a business relationship with for a relatively short period of time, was trying to drive you off that farm. They are trying to drive you off that farm for a reason that you cannot even comprehend.

Not only that, but that property is occupied with your family, employees and live animals. The live animals all required care throughout a 24 hour period, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Those animals are your livelihood- they are how you earn the money to pay for that spectacular farm.

And yet you have this person, who is not a relative, not a friend, not a lover, attempting to drive you away from both your home and your livelihood.

What do you do? Do you hang in there as best as you can, as long as you can?

You think you take the proper steps- move your family and employees out of the shared residence, batten down the hatches in the barn you now occupy as home, try to not engage with the source of your angst and problems, go about your daily routine to run the business that pays for the spectacular farm.

But yet they keep coming at you. And have every intention of trying to push you passed the brink of sanity.

One step over the edge is all it takes.

Ask yourself- where would you be???


Well that solves that mystery right there. If it ever was one.


You didnā€™t?


Does anyone know if the RC gun charge case was ever resolved?

Someone with a better memory than I have can confirm or correct me, but I thought any charges there were dropped shortly after they were filed.

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With the breaking of the phone it was said to be after she was shot. After being shot she called 911 to say she had been shot so she was not in a coma then. She could not call 911 with a broken phone.


You are the soul of logic. Heh heh.


We donā€™t know how badly the phone was brokenā€¦could have been cracked case, glass, etc. She said she attempted to call 911 after being shot but couldnā€™t because she was still connected to the person she was speaking with and had to disconnect and then call 911. There must be a 911 call that has not been released to the public.


There have been numerous articles that stated that LKā€™s was not going to be released prior to trial.


But no one has attempted to answer my question of what would YOU have done in a similar circumstance? Everyone is such an expert and says they wouldnā€™t have reacted as Barisone did, so what would you have done?

Personally, I would have hired armed security to patrol the property 24/7 until they finally packed their crap and left. Here in the South armed security goes for about $35/hour so it would be worth the cost. I would also slap a restraining order against RG, LK and JK to prevent them from coming anywhere near me or my family/boarders. Done.

Hindsight is always 20/20.


I have enough trouble dialing my phone normally.

Had I been shot three, four, so many times, point blank, center mass, bleeding out,ā€¦

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be able to beat someone with my phone and (then) hang up call Iā€™m on and dial a new call.
Itā€™s extraordinary.


Yeah, pretty incredulous isnā€™t it?


Well, the only solution is to remove yourself from them. The problem is that that process gets uglier before it gets better.

They tried to do so by leaving the house for the barn. The next step was to dismantle the training/board agreement. I think this was the elusive ā€œpapersā€ LK refused to accept and MB was desperate over. The next step was to pack up to FL, early if necessary, without LK and leave her to deal with her horses on her own. Leaving a groundskeeper to watch over the property would prevent any fear of adverse possession. Youā€™d probably have significant property damage before they actually left but that is far easier to deal with than being on the property day after day.


I think the other person ended the call and called daddy. That is why daddy called 911 and reported an attorney called him about her being shot.


Or move in a group of bikers to harass backā€‹:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue:


Since the property was not supposed to be inhabited according to the township zoning people, if you changed the locks when the others were not home, would it still count as an illegal lockout? What if you made the offer to pay for a motel or whatever for 30 days while eviction paperwork was being filed?
Iā€™m not sure what was supposed to have been done legally since the residence was not supposed to be inhabited according to what was reported in the lawsuit with the cops but to file an eviction was going to take some time.


@eggbutt, I am willing to say that I have no idea what I would do in a situation like this.

I can not imagine having to live with someone with this type of history. I can not imagine having to deal with them daily. I can not imagine dealing with them trying to ruin my life and thinking it is fun.


Most people canā€™t imagine people behaving like these people do. I think most of us would be at our witā€™s end.