Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I would ask my lawyer friend what to do…he always knows what to do when you get yourself into trouble haha

nope, I thought there was 2 houses for some reason.

Like the Altamont free concert in the 60’s? :smile:

Apparently lawyers were actively involved and pretty useless in stopping the terror and threats.


Do duct tape and bailing twine work in this situation?

/attempt at humor.


Keep in mind….the only audio recorder admitted to was in LK’s barn locker….

Do we believe all the evil discussions would occur right there at her locker?


I had to google that. Your bikies are more violent than ours I think.

We did have an incident of bikies shooting at each other in a public place, I think.

A few years ago they brought in that it was a crime for bikies to be together. I think it has been overturned now

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I lived a somewhat mirrored scenario. The mentally ill person owned the farm, I lived in the same house and we were supposedly partners on three horses, with other horses (mostly retired) paying board but owners rarely visited.

When things went south, the owner completely lost it, was definitely trying to ruin my life, my career, isolated me from friends/family, and kicked me off the property with the clothes I was wearing (I had driven to town so I had my car and purse).

After I attempted to retrieve my horse trailer, and the owner in a complete rage attempted to run my friend’s car off the road down an embankment, and called the police on us, I knew I could never go back. I knew the owner was litigious in the extreme and would revel in a 2-8 year legal fight with me (had done it before to their neighbour).

So I cut all ties. Left all personal belongings, keepsakes, etc. Slept on couches while I found somewhere to live and bought new clothes.

They sent their spouse to my place of work to intimidate me and I believe I was being recorded in that conversation, so I had one of my staff be in the room to witness everything.

They kept texting me trying to get me to come back, I refused. They had the vet send me an enormous bill for unnecessary services on our “shared partnership” horse. The last step was I signed over my ownership in the horses, accompanied it with a letter saying to never contact or interact with me again, and had a process server deliver it (took 5 attempts and over $350 in fees to get that done as they were well-versed in evading service).

Once those ties were completely cut, they finally left me alone. Clearly they had “won”, in their estimation.

I’m glad I got away, got counseling, and in hindsight, was never seriously injured by the many, many things that were done while I was there that were extremely dangerous.

ETA: I considered reporting to SS but since this person is no longer actively involved in sport, and I never, ever, ever want anything to do with them, ever, I will not be doing so.


Fun fact if you press enough random numbers on some phones, they will connect you to 9-1-1. Also even without a service plan, a cell phone can be used to call 9-1-1. Used to get pocket dials and kids playing with old phone dials all the time. So, it’s possible that if the phone wasn’t completely defunct, it called 9-1-1.


You mean her father, who was doing anything he could to avoid her living in his house?


She’s an “extraordinary” woman. He-he. :crazy_face:


I already answered I would have packed up everyone and relocated, horses and all and have lawyers deal with it all. Let her shovel her own poo, buy her own feed. I would padlock any area I didn’t want her in like the indoor.

I love the idea of armed guards all over the place.


huh? How does that relate to the question that was asked haha

Keep up @Jealoushe she was responding to a different post! :smile:

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Sorry, no, I was responding to what should you do if you were LK… Lost track of where I was sitting on hold with ShopSpite online disaster… Clearly their hold music numbed my brain.
Carry on.


Boy, I don’t know. That sounds to me like an opportunity for a squatter to completely take over the whole property, with or without a groundskeeper. And if one of the property owners was having so much trouble, that would be quite a task for any groundskeeper.

Other than maybe Willie from the Simpsons.


Okay Legal peeps, I have a question. I was having a conversation about general legal stuff with a friend (she is an attorney) and since I did not understand her answers at all I wanted to see if someone could explain it here in basic terms.

The subject was spoliation of evidence specifically in regards to social media. If I understood correctly, it is best not to delete posts if you are involved in litigation and that an attorney could face repercussions if they participated in that. She also said it can be very damaging to a person’s case. She was citing examples and unfortunately I wasn’t able to follow what she was saying. It seemed she was saying it was covering up potential evidence which makes sense but the authentication of SM posts was totally over my head.

Is my understanding correct and does anyone have any knowledge about this topic and can share with the class? Thanks :smile:

@Knights_Mom are you familiar with this or is it mostly a litigation issue. My understanding was that adverse inference could be applied to missing evidence. My friend likes her legal terminology so I was lost by what she was telling me.
She did ask me why horses wear hoods in the field and asked how they could see. When I realized she was talking about fly masks I sent her a picture taken through one so she would know they could see. (She thought they were dangerous) I guess we each have our own areas of expertise.

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But all the police are crooked liars. So must be the judge or magistrate or to whomever one goes to get a restraining order… right? So your plan wouldn’t have worked. Damn those crooked cops, judges and magistrates!

Or on the other hand perhaps they did not seek a restraining order because, just like the 11 police officers, the person to whom they’d go for a restraining order would say…“restrain what? There’s nothing worrisome going on there.”

So Occam’s razor enthusiast… which is more likely? There was no harassment going on… OR…the judges and magistrates are lying crooks and, therefore, wouldn’t issue a restraining order.

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Without anyone living there there is no one to mess with. Eviction takes care of the rest. Yes, you have to be willing to accept some property damage….but the important this is everyone is safe and the problem people are denied their captive audience.

Total removal is the only way to deal with this kind of behavior.


Well dang. So you are saying my other alternative would have to be exactly what happened. Got it.