Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

And we ALL know your propensity to harass and threaten. :wink:


Wait, if nothing worrisome was going on, why did LK/RG install recording devices, illegally?

And why were they in fear for their lives if nothing worrisome was going on and such was confirmed by 11 LEOs?

Also, I consider people installing illegal recording devices on property they don’t own to = something worrisome going on. That’s 100% not normal behaviour.


Not just some property damage - be prepared for everything to be destroyed to lower property value and force a quick sale at a huge loss.

There is no way in the world I would take on the risk of tenants.


Damaged property doesn’t have to be sold. It can be fixed. It might be a huge hit to the business to pack up everything of value and settle non-FL bound horses with other trainers and let go of employees, and stay in FL until the LK was removed, but all of that is better than what happened. Hell, selling a farm at a loss is better than facing losing a career.

But all of this requires the ability to be rational. It seems like MB was already at a reduced capacity to tolerate this behavior.


Did the entire barn go to FL? Or were there boarders who stayed up north for the winter? IIRC, MB and his ex wife used to import yearlings. Those wouldn’t go south for the winter. So maybe a skeleton staff stayed up north? Still, if you left and there were troublesome clients still there to harass whoever stayed behind
what a headache.


I’ve seen what renters can do out of malice and squatters are worse. By the time those vultures are done you may as well raze entire structures. It’s easy to advise selling at a loss when it doesn’t harm one’s own bottom line.

A reasonable boarder or renter who genuinely believed there was a conspiracy to murder would have taken the evidence to the police and left rather than risking the purported plan taking place.


When my DH and I were dealing with my step kid we dealt with all of this:

A) step kid called 911 accusing his brother of trying to kill him. We got cops on our doorstep.
B) step kid filed false CPS report trying to get placed with girlfriend. We had CPS show up in our door.
C) we were advised by step kids former psychologist that he would purposefully do bodily injury to himself and blame us in order to get his way.

He thought he owned us because we capitulated to everything while we set up our only remedy: boarding school 5 states away. Did it cost a lot: yes, but it was the only way.


Emancipation wasn’t an option? Other parent out of the picture? What a nightmare.


Key word: reasonable. This was not a situation with reasonable people.

A complete and total separation is the only way to deal with this level of behavior.


No, all 4 of us were acting as one. The ex-girlfriend is a psychopath and the mother was aiding and abetting (calling him her SIL when the girl was only 13). We could have let him go, but it wouldn’t have been in his best interest. Girl committed (and plead guilty) for shooting a boyfriend in the head several years ago.


WOW. You’ve really been through it with that one. I don’t know what I would have done.


That isn’t even the complete list. There was the purposeful placement of his sister into dangerous situations and the psychological terror games.


Ugh - may your lives be duller than dirt now (by comparison to then). Talk about trauma and trauma bonding.


In my jurisdiction if a place is deemed uninhabitable to be vacated the authorities stand there while you back your stuff and go. They make sure you go. Police are more than willing to make sure you go. NOW.

If a basement is being used and doesnt have multiple points of egress that will do it. So would significant violations.


Armed guards people. MB was totally within his right to vacate the property and place 24/7 armed guards all around the property. It costs $$$ but damages would be reduced and it’s cheaper than a criminal defense attorney. Have guards in the indoor so it isn’t used. Tack room locked with her property outside her stall. Feed room locked. Brooms, picks, hoses, wheelbarrows locked up. All rooms locked with a guard in the barn. Armed. 24/7. More at the house. Until such time as the problem is removed.


Well, there a lot of people prepared to support MB when he gets out and help him rebuild his business in FL during the season and perhaps Tryon during the summer. Nothing at all specific other than chatter of great support for his talent with riders and horses. He has been greatly missed by many.


Unless it’s proven self defense, and even then, you couldn’t pay me enough to lesson with someone that shot a client.


If the police did refuse to enforce the vacate order as claimed, what should of been MB’s next course of action have been legally to get the order enforced? Who would have been above the police that could have ordered the police to act?


In the event that a SS sanction still exists when he is released, what options would he have and any of his supporters have that would not violate SS?

Could he train horses and sell to them and not be in violation? I am no longer a member so I’m not familiar with all its rules.

What I wrote is what happens in MY jurisdiction. I know it happens because people would call the court asking how to get back in. The answer was it had NOTHING to do with the court as it is a BUILDING DEPT OR FIRE DEPT vacate order so they had to be contacted. It’s my understanding there is no getting back in anyways.

As for what NJ does or did in THIS case, that is not what my state does.