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Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I don’t think one party involved ever had any intention of settling this peacefully. They were out to destroy the other party and everything they worked for.

Jealousy is an ugly monster!


Is tomorrow’s event a hearing that you can watch zoom style like the last time or is it just a decision that will be made and posted under the case information?

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I think it depends on the cops involved. My cousin’s daughter has a restraining order against her SO. He has violated it 3 times and the CT state police won’t act on it. He said, she said don’t ya know.


That’s awful!

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And not uncommon.


I think once LK/RG had to clean their own stalls for multiple horses, buy food, picks, manure buckets, schlep water, etc they would have been gone sooner rather than later especially since Florida season was coming anyways and given she may have required lessoning to ride if assertions of her being fearful are true and the rings there being locked up.


There’s plenty of damage those two could have done inside the house, out of view of armed guards too.
I’m not really familiar with all the bad things people do to destroy homes, but I’ve heard of people upset about foreclosure pouring cement down drains/toilets/pipes and crap like that.
They could have easily and quickly caused expensive damage to the house. I guess they could have done that anyway, and it appears they didn’t.
But maybe because they were squa… Err… Living in it?


Can you make a stupider comment? So the person who is charged with attempted murder wanted to resolve things peacefully and the person who got shot wanted a violent resolution.
Yeah, I know…QFP…

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Do you think MB is going to be presented in a favorable light? Do you think there aren’t as many bad stories out there about MB as about LK? Do you think the prosecutor and the state’s investigators have been napping for 2 years?
But, of course, you watched the hearing on October 8 and thought that was a good day for Bilinkas. You know who doesn’t think that was a good day for Bilinkas? Bilinkas!!!
You like the defense’s case more than the defense likes it!

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After his quest to find Rugen, I would think our Iberian friend would understand that the person who wounds his enemy most deeply is not necessarily the one who started a fight, nor necessarily the most culpable in a conflict, nor is there necessarily a victor in any duel.

As for stupider comments, no need to wonder if it’s possible when certain posters insist on repeatedly demonstrating their ability to plumb the depths.


No, I don’t.
You know why?
Because there would have been a hint of them, at least, in the last two years, but there hasn’t been.


I have not verified whether it is online or a conference call


Name ONE story that will present him in a negative light by sworn witnesses. Just one.


@eggbutt - :lion: :snowflake:


Leave the trolls alone. Remember 100% cut off is the only thing that works.


Interesting observation… @DreadPirateRoberts always posts shortly after @Inigo-montoya



I don’t know if there are or aren’t instances that occurred that would present MB in a negative light (aside from the the shooting, obviously), but whatever happened to certain individuals exclaiming FACTS. EVIDENCE. PROOF. I mean if you’re(g) going to talk the talk, back it up. Otherwise, you are in no position to criticize others over such matters, IMO.

Again (for those in the back or who are hard of hearing), I am not a MB fan, and there very well could be negative things about him that are true, I just don’t know.

I also don’t know that unsavory past behaviors on either side will really weigh that heavily re the criminal case, but we’ll see.


Just to clarify for myself - the hearing tomorrow has to do with the criminal case, correct?


No, the motion to dismiss the civil complaint against the police.


QPF, just for the sheer joy of it!!!

ETA: @Inigo-montoya bless your heart!

I do feel extremely sorry for those who feel the need to call others names. It is as though they suffer from some sort of arrested development that never lets them escape their junior high years, which in itself is very sad.

Those of us out here in the real world, maturing normally, have long moved passed the name calling, and realize when someone calls us a name, we have struck a nerve- BIG TIME!