Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

It has been the replies made to anyone that doesn’t jump on the bandwagon to dump on LK or expressed a difference opinion that has gotten it closed in the past. If you(collectively) can’t engage respectfully in an exchange of positions it’s your(collectively) own fault if it gets shut down. When the actual topic is discussed it is interesting and informative. But then one of the LK haters have to, for one example, post a photo of LK taken from her Facebook page (as some can’t stand that LK is no longer being bashed and the topic is actually being discussed) so others can point out her “zit”, sun damaged chest, or too small bullet wound.
Ignore or respectfully disagree, and you won’t have to worry about closing the conversation down.


My mistake, it was in reply to Eggbutt’s comment directly above my comment. But I guess it could be directed towards several posters here that go on about how bad name calling and hating is when that is exactly what they have been doing for 2 years. Sometimes the hypocrisy gets to me.


Twisting things doesn’t make them true.


Inciting hatred and condoning and making excuses for violence against the alleged victim of a crime for two years, and then publishing her address is not a good look.

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Neither is threatening people.


I don’t agree with inciting hatred, although some people do a good enough job of that all on their own and don’t need others to do that for them. I also don’t know that anyone is making excuses for violence. Speculating about how and why the violent event occurred, sure, but not excusing violence. If someone has excused violence, they’re the minority, most are not doing that.

I also don’t think anyone published her address?

I get that posting someone’s address is both odd and creepy, but it’s also not super secret squirrel information. I’m sure a quick Google would bring up that info. So it’s not like the info isn’t already out there, I just think it’s bad manners to post it in this thread. I don’t think anyone posted the full address though.


You’re right. No one posted the whole address and no one incited violence. This is just another attempt to demonize posters here who do not 100% embrace LKs narrative.


I am so confused how people read the posts here and think anyone thinks violence is OK and most certainly I think it has been made very clear that hatred is not OK.

There are so many channels out there that are ‘all crime all the time’ it confuses me that there are people who do not understand that discussing unique crime situations happens all over the place. People want to know the details. People want to know why and discuss the what-ifs. People want to know about the individuals involved.


Absolutely true. It’s almost as if we are being subjected to gaslighting.


On the real topic - what is the typical timing of hearing a response from the judge related to hearing like was on Friday?


In the case of LK harassment of MB, MHG, etc…
Even if the potentially threatening comments she made were online, there was an actual close relationship that to me makes those far more problematic.


Could be same day, next day, a week after. In my jurisdiction they have up to 30 days. But judges want to move their calendars along so I doubt it will be. Also consider November has multiple court holidays so that can slow things down.


And even after it’s gone through the courts and been fully dissected on a show like 20/20, there is always, always room to question, facts that line up whether you arrange them this way or that.
In the end, in the eyes of the uninvolved public, the actual legal resolution doesn’t always jive with what the rest of us believe reality was.

In fact, the room for speculation is what makes these cases interesting, and tv shows spring up about them.
People want to see more than one side, and there’s more money to be made selling all the sides. If any side thinks any of this will vindicate them, they are so very wrong.

In other words, he may not have been found guilty, but I sure wouldn’t date OJ either.

“M” and x are so close on this keyboard, I keep erasing half of the words I write… 🤦


Case in point: The OJ Simpson trial.


Complete tangent but… How were there so many people on a jury that have no idea that leather gloves shrink? Is it only us horse people that know that? I thought everyone knew that.


I wish if I soaked in water I would shrink. :joy:


Yes please!!!

On the other side of that coin is, the wrinkles. A dried wet glove is very wrinkly.


Off-topic segue! Remember when you could easily pop and swap keys? Switching M & N on keyboards for April Fools Day once or twice was my go-to prank on select co-workers.


Um yes, was surprised this morning to see I’m off Nov 11. Normally a joy, except I have too much work to do.

But at least I have reading material if this thread keeps on toeing the line of getting locked before backing away…


That’s what I’ve said for years!