Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

I predict an 11th hour plea bargain. Failing that, a guilty verdict, though likely on a lesser included charge if that’s an option. He shot two people. If it turns out that he is the one who brought the gun to the scene, I don’t see how a jury could find him not guilty. You don’t get to shoot people, no matter how annoying, crazy, and manipulative they may be.

Time served seems light, but given the fact nobody actually died, maybe? I don’t know what the mandatory minimums are for attempt murder or lesser charges like assault with a deadly weapon but I’m guessing they are more than the 2 years he has already served.


Thank you for that information.

Juries are fickle, I have been told.
they might find him guilty on the one, not on the other, or what have you.

As for the gun (he shot one person though) I have my own theory of what could have transpired…
We should find out during the trial.


It would solve so many questions if that pesky illegal house camera had been operating that one day it conveniently wasn’t working.

So many questions.


As a first offender would he be eligible for PTI for the gun charge as part of a plea deal?


Does NJ have PTI?

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I thought they did but I could be wrong on that.

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Tell us about the self defense angle that will be presented. The prosecutor has two eyewitnesses and one extremely credible “ear witness.” Highly doubtful MB will take the stand.
While it is not uncommon to present multiple defenses do you think “insanity” was added even though they feel good about self defense or because they know that’s not going anywhere?

And kinda on that subject…in what world do you think your new friend GJ will be a witness.

Number 1…she’s a lunatic. Do you know she tried to reach out to Donald Trump to get him to focus on this case…while he was president…haha.

Number 2…in what judiciary system is any judge gonna allow a witness to give testimony about an online feud that took place 2 years before this incident.




Wait. I thought he shot AT two people, but only hit one. Didn’t he miss RG?


Anything can happen in a court case. Anything.

Especially when it’s $$$ attorneys playing.


It seems it is for third or fourth degree offenses.

  1. house camera is not illegal
  2. perhaps house camera was only turned on when residents were away from home…perhaps to capture intruders…like RC entering the house and going up stairs to the LK/RG residence and getting bitten by a dog after entering the residence…all while the authorities shouted at her “do not go up those stairs.”
    Hmmm… I wonder if that might be the case. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

That’s for certain.

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Thank you!

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perhaps…but it’s still first degree attempted murder whether you hit or miss.


People who all live in the same house with common areas, by definition, cannot be considered intruders, tresspassing, or breaking and entering to access the house. Also, the camera overlooking the yard was installed the day prior to the shooting, in theory the day the the building inspector arrived to evict everyone.


How do you know this?


That is what LK’s interrogatory response was. They were specifically asked when/where/what type. It was included as one of the exhibits in the civil trial.


Thank you! I missed that!!!

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