Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Then it seems extra odd that it was mysteriously not working the very next day.


RC didn’t live in the same house or even the same state
so you’re wrong as usual.

 now you got Eggbutt all upset. By pointing out what everyone knows
that the camera was purchased just a day or two before the incident
you point out her cluelessness. She thinks she’s clever when she asks why was the camera conveniently not working on the day of the shooting (assuming it had always been working in the past.)

it was a recent purchase intended to be used when the residents were away!

keep telling us what you buy and don’t buy. On Wall Street you’d be known as a contrary indicator.

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Thank you. I had a very nice day. Well, until my puppy threw up in the car.
It’s not that hard to disagree without breaking the rules of the forum, as detailed by the moderator. Like you I am just expressing my opinion. I appreciate that many that didn’t agree with what I posted just stated their position and didn’t feel the need to add accusations of gaslighting, being delusional, being someone you are not, etc. etc.
Bty way I never called you a pathological liar. I do my best to leave the name calling to others.
Happy to get back to discussing the case.



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She was very clearly acting as his agent in some capacity and therefore, not trespassing, breaking and entering, and afforded all legal rights of ingress/egress to the house.


You are 100% wrong.

But then again you said LK was always concerned about fires in barns (what barn owner isn’t) so she could likely be an arsonist. What kind of person says crap like that? Do you need me to provide testimonials from barn owners who will say the thing that keeps them up at night is worrying about a fire? Are they, therefore, likely arsonists too?


Juxtaposed with

. There’s an undeniable convenience there.


I am so impressed! Not only do we have a poster thoroughly versed in NJ law, but now also the stock market! This poster indicates they know every single minute detail of the Barisone-Gray-Kanarek saga as well as the defense and prosecution strategy! Well people, we should just close up shop and go make holiday cookies! This is all wrapped up with a shiny bow on it. One poster has spoken with 100% authority, so they must be correct.

sarcasm to the nth degree


this poster understands Occam’s razor
unlike you. What is most likely. That is what should be thought about.
This poster has said he likes both LK and MB.

You hate LK and therefore every syllable you utter has no basis in reality
it’s just based on hate.



I am simply verklempt.

:lion: :snowflake:



Would you care to explain why LK made the following statement if she only recorded when she wasn’t home?

“ Some asshole shoots you and there are actually people QUESTIONING whether or not that’s ok. I realize now, even a proper news story - or the audio - or the camera feed outside our apartment could sway the minds of idiots. ”.


Recall, my friends, that the combative Castilian swordsman’s expertise in handing Occam’s razor was such that the following ideas passed said parsimony test in his prior posts:

  • That anyone with knowledge of the law who contests his ideas must work cleaning law offices.
  • That anyone on this forum he has classified as a Barisone booster would reject whatever the truth is in this matter even if Barisone testified to it in court.
  • And my personal favorite, that SafeSport and USEF are monitoring the threads on this forum with specific knowledge of all posters’ identities in order to monitor speech that is not becoming to the sport of dressage.

He needs to sharpen his blade, or better yet, put it away. In the meantime, I recommend refusing to duel.


it means exactly what she says
and what I’ve been saying. Read it again.

Even if there were a proper news story, or audios, or videos
some idiots still wouldn’t be convinced.

Neither she nor I are saying any of those three things exist. We are saying even if there were incontrovertible proof, some on this forum (you know who I mean) would still not believe it.

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This is perfect
actually “inconceivable”!


I think I love you. Call me Cutterbup.


Ok, well, there are also

“ Is that what you ACTUALLY think the story is? I guess it’s a damn good thing we have two weeks of audio from the barn and video from basically everywhere else. ”

“ Don’t you see that makes MB the biggest coward & cheat of all time? Murder us & what? Say we attacked him? Nope! Guess he forgot we have nest cams in & out of the house. Authorities gathering evidence as we speak.”

“With that, I’m not sure the defendant is or ever was clear on the reality of a court’s requirement for provable facts. Luckily, we (RG & I ) have always been aware & this knowledge led us to document everything, buy cameras and record everything.”

“ There are a few other things he didn’t realize as well. Or, he didn’t think he’d have to worry about some of them, bc we’d both be dead. Aka- dismantling cameras.”

“ And their names are Robert, Cameras 1-3 , Audio 1-50, phone videos (too many to count), MB, MH, JH, RC AND LK. Only 4 of these named peopled have a motive to lie. They planned the whole thing! ”

“ No. Actually, you do not. You know no one who “actually knows the real story.” Unless you are my cameras, my lawyers, RG or THOSE WHO PLOTTED OUR MURDER- you only know what you’ve been told.”

“ “[GreenWithEnvy”]
Hopefully, there is some video from the porch or front door showing the events of the afternoon of August 7. Obviously, that’s the crux of the entire situation with MB’s testimony against you and RG. You installed surveillance equipment in the barn, did you install equipment at the house too?

Cameras at the house. Yes.”