Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

RG is not a licensed contractor in NJ so legally he is owed nothing. Not only that if RG had gone to file a case in court for that money a judgment would have been rendered AGAINST RG for treble damages - that is triple the amount he claims he was owed.


Cite proof of this statement.

Liars gonna lie.


If true, none of this is reason to stay where one is no longer wanted. Since when did “LK” decide SHE controlled Barisone’s life and private affairs? You can blame anyone you want, but none of this would have happened had she left when told to leave.

Seems LK leaves turmoil and victims everywhere she goes. What a sad resume.


I’m not so sure she didnt expect NOTHING as evidenced by some of her FB posts. They were of such a nature as to cause her friends to suffer alarm and concern. She spoke of her multiple personalities and other things she had for self protection.

Posts were frequent and caused offers of help to pour in as others feared for her too.

So no, to her this wasn’t just some landlord tenant dispute because of a girlfriend.

By all indications, IT WAS WAR. At another point, survival.


I can hire whomever I want to finish my basement, put on a new roof or whatever. I don’t have to hire a licensed anything. You may not believe Sweetgrass lawyers in NJ know more than you
actually you probably don’t believe any lawyers know more than you
 but they acknowledge they owe RG money.
You really don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, do you.

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Cite proof of what statement
that CanteringCarrot is not a hater? Why do I need to prove that to you? She/he has opinions, many of which I disagree, but she/he is not a hater.
Deal with it!

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Wrong again.


I wonder if she has a clue who David Dow reached out to first to begin research for 48 Hours and get a list of others to contact? He was shocked at what he had already learned. Really sad in so many ways.


Rosebud! Whoops 
wrong movie. How about Rosinburg? LK has a sad resume? You are incredibly less popular in NC than you think you are.

Now back to the facts
Why would she leave? She had a mare in quarantine at the facility MB insisted she use. Who’s telling you MB asked her to leave. You may be the most uninformed person on the planet.

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WTH? What a desperate comment. Popularity? You really are a middle schooler aren’t you? What is Rosinburg? A new fantasy character?

Project much?


you are wrong. That act is to protect consumers from people holding themselves out to be licensed contractors. Do you really think that I can’t seek out whomever I want to do work at the best price as long as I know who I’m hiring. I can hire a bunch of 18 year old college kids to sheetrock my basement if I want. That’s between us.

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I think David Dow and his team are pretty good at talking to everybody and deciding who to believe and who not to believe. Why I bet he’s even seen your new best friend GJ’s plea to Donald Trump to get involved in this case. You seem to think David Dow is a gullible idiot. I’ll be sure to let him know.

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What on earth gives you that idea? No, he can smell a fake a mile away.

Since when is Joey my friend since you know EVERYTHING? She must really push your buttons. :laughing:






Thanks for the reply.

I was unaware of MB’s girlfriend playing such a substantial role. I knew she was involved, but initially, it seemed like a petty spat between her and LK.

I can also see how gun violence wasn’t on anyone’s radar. My only confusion is that LK claimed to have heard “plotting” from RC, MHG, and/or MB. She obtained this knowledge through the recording devices she installed in the stable. She made it sound like she knew there would be something very bad that would happen. I’m not sure what, exactly, but I suppose we all have our threshold on when to GTFO. So maybe she figured she would tough it out, I don’t know.

As far as MB owing RG, gosh, there is so much drama surrounding RG, his credentials, and his work. I’m not sure what is valid or not, nor do I care so much, really (about the speculation, that is). I’m also not sure what role it really played in the events that transpired on the day of the shooting.

Still though, I’ve never thought to set up surveillance/recording devices on someone else’s property, that’s just weird, to me. Well, the whole thing is weird, but possibly because of things I don’t know (and might not ever know, but that’s fine). Such a shame it ended this way and such ugliness had to be shown by both parties, at times.

A lot still doesn’t add up, and maybe it will after the cases are settled, maybe it won’t.

Does anyone know when this 48 Hours thing is estimated to air? I don’t know that I’ve ever actually seen that show before so I don’t know how credible it is, but I’m assuming it’s reasonable.


Hasn’t that debt been paid?

What work did RG do on the house and the barn?


If it involved any electric, plumbing, or HVAC, NJ requires a licensed contractor to do the work. And, if the value of the job was over a certain threshold, that might trigger a contractor’s license requirement.

Also, it is not accurate to say that you can hire anyone to work on your home and that’s between you and them. Some states, CA as an example, make it illegal to hire an unlicensed contractor for jobs over $500 in value. It varies by state as most things do in the US.


And there is a whole lot more. Specifically some corroborating statements for MB’s “lies” in the civil suits.