Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

So you do it just for fun?

Did I miss something. I believe LK was the only one with gun shot injuries.


Now that’s a different movie all together.


Disclaimer all items attributed to LK are from threads dated Mar ‘20 or earlier. Any bolding is my emphasis.

On the subject of Safe Sport:

Lala, are you allowed to address the Child Services issue? Is it true that you called Child Services on MB? Or that Child Services was on the property right before MB shot you? Did someone else call them if it was not you?

“I can say this- it will be a CRITICAL piece to this case. Absolutely critical. Maybe, the most critical piece to the entire case.

Next- I was on the porch all morning. I saw no vehicles pull in the driveway. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t have dozed off and missed it. But I saw nothing. I do find it odd that IF CPS really came that day - (or, any day) they wouldn’t have stopped at the house first- How would CPS magically know that if they passed the house- followed the “yellow brick road,” they’d find exactly the people they were looking for, without even inquiring with a person sitting on the porch of the house “is this where I/we can find so & so.” You cant get to the barn without passing the house. That has never made sense to me. All I can say.”

“But, more importantly, don’t you think CPS will be questioned? Like, seriously. Don’t you think (if they were REALLY there & as I said, I, myself saw no one pull in) they will be contacted and asked exactly “where you there? If so, what time did you arrive?”

 I think SS knows exactly which parts of a report (all, none or, anything in between) to take seriously. I’m equally positive SS knows precisely, which reports or, parts of reports they deal with.”

“Aside from the SS report. We have our suspicions as to why, suddenly, MB claimed (in I believe, his last 911 call) we were “yelling outside their windows screaming we are going to ruin your lives & your children’s lives.” It makes perfect sense he’d say that- once he knew I’d reported him to SS.”

[AnotherRound]Because you said you didnt call children’s services. You also said that you didn’t report children’s issues to SS. You said that you called SS about MB. Since you ask. You said you didn’t know that children’s services has come onto the property, and were ignorant of all that. You said you never called children’s services yourself. Starting to have a hard time keeping up with everything you’ve said?]

“Nope! Clear on everything I’ve said. You deciding to add in random things I never said- or twist things I did say- doesn’t make me less clear anything I’ve said (in the correct context) - OR, anything I did or did not actually do.”

“SafeSport made me aware they mostly deal with minors - making me aware. Still, aside from the constant body shaming- I’ve shared no information whatsoever of the allegations in the report. Only what I told them I saw & heard”

“When I mentioned “body shaming,” as one of the things I reported MB to SS for, it wasn’t a little “no big deal,” thing.”

“By the time we made the right decision to report him to SS - the damage they caused had been done. It was just a matter of getting the horses safely to another trainer. (whole other story.) “

[ GreenWithEnvy:]
I’m still waiting for some proof of this cat litter box accusation. It’s really, really hard to believe and again, I’ll ask, were the children’s bedrooms open for the “tenants” to enter at will and take photos and check things out?

ETA: By the way, if she installed surveillance equipment in the barn, did she also install devices in the private areas of the home that MB/MH, the children, and staff occupied???]

“Short answer- first question- Yes. For very specific reasons. And pictures were a MUST. Again, for very specific reasons. You will not be sent “evidence,” of anything, at any time. But, nice try. I could not give less of a meow what you find “really, really hard to believe.” There’s this saying cops & prosecutors have in criminal investigations- “What do we think, what do we know, what can we PROVE.”

Second question- NO. I have no clue who occupied where in the barn- where they were all made to live - crammed into a small space so that MH could have the house remodeled for her kids & parents. I do know Exactly where no one lived bc it is a common area, where anyone could be at any time - knowing full well any person could easily overhear any conversation. If they were close enough to these devices to be heard so clearly
 well, there are privacy issues with that from ME - again - for very specific reasons - none which I’ll be disclosing to you.”

“ 1.) I have always maintained the fact- I reported MB & others to SafeSport. (Nothing new.)
2.) I have always maintained the fact- I have video & audios. (Nothing new.)
3.) You have no idea who contacted CPS. (Nothing new.)”

“ Maybe you’re unaware of Safe Sports purpose. I was. They’re pretty much only interested in minors. They asked me questions. I told the exact truth. Not that I owe anyone an explanation. As I told SafeSport, I don’t believe mb MEANT to behave in the way he was behaving. He just didn’t know better Bc he doesn’t have kids. SafeSport had a different view. I also told them about the body shaming. Just ask ANY female who has ever been in full training there. Mb is a perv. Also, I NEVER called the father. But
 it seems you think you have better info than I do. That’s interesting.”


What is all this? Posts online? Testimony?

The bold is your answer


On the subject of text messages:

“You realize the cops have my iPhone
 which include ALL conversations - text, pm & dm right?”

“ Again, thank god the detectives have my phone! We wouldn’t want out of context screenshots of pms or texts to rule the day. No. We want the ENTIRE exchanges entered into evidence.”

“In any case, texts, emails, pms, dms etc
 are not “hearsay,” if they come from the source. Even if it doesn’t come from the source, people can be compelled to testify by subpoena.”

 now you claim I was having a fb conversation (not a text, phone call or live conversation) with a man who lived in the next room - telling him to watch out for my “multiple personalities?”

And from MB’s lawsuit:

hl15. An even more ominous phenomena was presented by Kanarek and/or Goodwin through text messages and statements they made to BARISONE and others, through which Kanarek and Goodwin revealed private information concerning BARISONE, Gray, and or others, information which could only have obtained through unlawful trespass, unlawful stalking, and/or the placement ofillegal electronic listening devices in the private living area(s) at the barn.
~116.As a result, BARISONE made his third “911” call to the WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT seeking emergency assistance.
117. On August 3, 2019, at approximately 9:00 hours, BARISONE called “911” and
again reported that he and others at the Farm were being assaulted verbally by Kanarek and/or 24
MRS-L-001562-21 10/28/2021 2:38:15 PM Pg 28 of 82 Trans ID: LCV20212519847

Goodwin; that he and others at the Farm were being subjected to other criminal behaviors by Kanarek and/or Goodwin, including but not limited to behaviors which constituted unlawful criminal threats, harassment, cyber stalking, and cyber harassment; their fear; and other relevant information.

given the extra information of time/Notification of the DA we can attribute the following to this incident a well

“For one, once MB & MH left the house after their very brief stay - (no, they did not ever live there - until May) we had no idea which “window,” would’ve been theirs at the barn. I had no clue who occupied which area of the Barn’s living spaces, nor would I care. Cops never once came to our apartment and asked us if we were “yelling outside windows at night.” Our cameras showed our locations & MB knew that.”

“Ask the DA. That is who looked up the law on this & called Michael & Me both to tell us what the rules were. We never needed to be there past 9:15 pm, anyway. Those weren’t the times MB was trying to restrict. He was harassing us - bullying us & we were not going to allow it. We were there to tend to our horses
 and receive training, not to socialize with MB or his girlfriend.”

“ Listen to the 911 call AGAIN. He blatantly says “it’s past 9pm. “They’re not supposed to be in the barn past 9pm and they’re in barn.” He was not allowed to limit the hours. The DA’s office told him so. In any case, we weren’t even there when he made that call. We were totally unaware he even made such a false claim when we have cameras in our house which would prove the opposite. Also, we were specifically allowed to be there if we wanted/needed since mb himself agreed we should wrap our horse with cellulitis at 9:15 pm. He made that call before we got there thinking the cops would arrive 15 mins later & think he was telling the truth. Good thing they stopped at the house FIRST. ”

On the subject of trespassing in the barn:

From MB’s lawsuit
“ 114. Making matters even more threatening, Kanarek and/or Goodwin continued their efforts to trespass into the club room at the barn, where BARISONE, Gray and the other peaceful residents at the Farm had taken refuge from Kanarek and Goodwin.”

From LK about the various whereabouts of the residents

“ Aside from the SS report. We have our suspicions as to why, suddenly, MB claimed (in I believe, his last 911 call) we were “yelling outside their windows screaming we are going to ruin your lives & your children’s lives.” It makes perfect sense he’d say that- once he knew I’d reported him to SS.”

“[ GreenWithEnvy:]

I’m still waiting for some proof of this cat litter box accusation. It’s really, really hard to believe and again, I’ll ask, were the children’s bedrooms open for the “tenants” to enter at will and take photos and check things out?

ETA: By the way, if she installed surveillance equipment in the barn, did she also install devices in the private areas of the home that MB/MH, the children, and staff occupied???]

Short answer- first question- Yes. For very specific reasons. And pictures were a MUST. Again, for very specific reasons. You will not be sent “evidence,” of anything, at any time. But, nice try. I could not give less of a meow what you find “really, really hard to believe.” There’s this saying cops & prosecutors have in criminal investigations- “What do we think, what do we know, what can we PROVE.”

Second question- NO. I have no clue who occupied where in the barn- where they were all made to live - crammed into a small space so that MH could have the house remodeled for her kids & parents. I do know Exactly where no one lived bc it is a common area, where anyone could be at any time - knowing full well any person could easily overhear any conversation. If they were close enough to these devices to be heard so clearly
 well, there are privacy issues with that from ME - again - for very specific reasons - none which I’ll be disclosing to you.”

“ Now, given there were 0 “other,” adults living in the premises, it begs the question, which imaginary adult was sharing the club room with MB & MH when they suddenly & out of nowhere, decided to move there from (roughly) July 30 to Aug 7? Bc
 RC came on (Roughly) August 3rd 
 and she slept on a mattress in front of the cross ties. ”


Which was it?
She felt threatened?
It was just an ugly landlord/tenant matter?


Yeah - I can’t believe this is legal and if it’s not legal, I doubt it is admissable evidence for LK’s suit(s) and the state suit against MB.

Right? Legal eagles, please soar over here!


On the subject of commentary about the police reports:

“ For one, once MB & MH left the house after their very brief stay - (no, they did not ever live there - until May) we had no idea which “window,” would’ve been theirs at the barn. I had no clue who occupied which area of the Barn’s living spaces, nor would I care. Cops never once came to our apartment and asked us if we were “yelling outside windows at night.” Our cameras showed our locations & MB knew that. ”

“The police came
 since they had to take a report once they’d been called. I had a few things to show them, as well. But they already seemed to have a fairly clear picture of what was really going on.”

“ There were no boarders (except for the loyal foot soldiers aka working students) who were ever around (to my knowledge) when mb repeatedly called 911. ”

“ Hey
, don’t you think it’s ODD he chose a time that no other actual boarders were there to witness his erroneous claims to the police? Not even once.”

“ Do you people not understand? HE was calling the cops as a HARASSMENT tactic against US. It’s even in one of the cops reports.”

On the subject of “the papers”

“ He even tried to block us from going in the Barn to ride, (something the DA told him repeatedly he was not allowed to do) until we signed his ominous paperwork

“ MB became super unhinged when I noticed a wooden sign on the barn entrance which, basically asserted the same thing as his “paperwork,” & I directed the police to this sign. Once we made clear we “acknowledged,” this sign
 the police told us to continue with our plans to ride & reminded MB he could not restrict barn hours. MB did NOT like this at all.”

“ I opted to check on my horses & ride them. MB tried to stop us from doing that. Clearly, the police did not agree with his “paperwork,” or his antics.”

“ Ask the DA. That is who looked up the law on this & called Michael & Me both to tell us what the rules were. We never needed to be there past 9:15 pm, anyway. Those weren’t the times MB was trying to restrict. He was harassing us - bullying us & we were not going to allow it. We were there to tend to our horses
 and receive training, not to socialize with MB or his girlfriend.”

“ Part of the relationship going south on my end- was being forced to take lessons w JH when I was NOT paying for the Justin Hardin Dressage academy. I was paying for MB’s expertise.”

“I think when the content of this **“new contract,”** is revealed
 (attempted to force us to sign it two - maybe 3 -days prior to the shooting) that will be the “WOW, New development,” topic for a forum & National/International news. Especially, bc, when the officer who responded to the call told me what it said, I asked, “Does he think If we sign this he can like
 shoot us & kill us & he wouldn’t be held liable for our deaths.” The officer said, (something to the affect of) “If he thinks that, he must really think cops & courts are stupid. Of course he can’t shoot you or kill you & say “but they signed a contract agreeing that I am not liable for any injuries caused to them!” Oh
 how I wish I could share the full contents of this new contract he tried to bully us into signing.”

“ I mentioned contract law, bc, it is a relevant piece to this case. ”


On the subject of changing stories

“ MH didn’t get her way. I mean
 until now. Rather, August 7. She got everything she wanted. Except my horses 
 bc I lived. She wasn’t expecting that!!! ”

“Using someone else’s is making a plan. I never once said there WAS a plan to dispose of our bodies. Only that I wouldn’t be surprised. Same with the horses being taken. Never said that was the definite plan- only that it was a good possibility.”

“ The fact that MB shot me under the guise of “just wanting to talk,” - then shooting at Robs head & running over to him to make sure he didn’t miss (even though he thankfully, did) are considered “known facts.”

“He shot me at 2 pm while I was reading on my porch. He shot to kill.”

“ We (RG & I ) talk about this everyday & everyday I ask him “but where did I go after he shot me?” Some days he is sure I ran to the porch. Others, he thinks I ran around in circles
 then ran to the porch!
Also, even though he watched mb shoot me, he says it didn’t register until I was helping him restrain MB and he could see a giant hole in my shirt on my back - when I was crouched over MB’s head.”

“ I, myself, called no one. Only SafeSport. But, the Fire Marshall was an absolutely necessary measure.”

“ No, the fire issue was not a problem until we noticed something extremely alarming.”

And some just because

“ As far as my Bronze- also are now part of numerous investigations, for numerous reasons, & none of which I can discuss. ”

“ Just because MB spent the night in the hospital, for his arm, doesn’t mean he’s not gonna wear his arm sling any time the cameras are rolling- even it were 2 yrs later. RG doesn’t need to embellish his injuries by wearing a cast he was told not wear post surgery.”

“It’s not just that Barisone broke RG’s hand, attempting to get the gun out from under himself to finish the job “properly,” since, Barisone definitely thought I was either dead- or seconds away from death.”

“ From what I hear, (people who have visited him in jail) - MB has changed his story about the shooting a million times. To some, he’s said he doesn’t remember. To others, he “blacked out.” And to others still, “he was confused.”

“ You must be MH! Only age, herself would accuse someone of being obsessed with her - on a BB which just happebed to open the door for that. Also, I can’t think of anyone who ever would be obsessed with such a person- so
 my conclusion is, you’re MH! ”

“No one ever said RG was a licensed contractor in NJ. You don’t have be a licensed contractor unless one total job equals more than X.”


Statements LK has made about the case in COTH threads dating before March ‘20 that can be found currently. I thought we could all use a refresher.


So, wait

Even RG, per this admission, isn’t clear about the sequence of events?


Thanks, I caught on partway through my coffee. :joy:


This is actually really shocking. As we all know, eyewitness testimony is already fraught. There are loads of studies about how little people really observe and remember especially in highly tense situations and especially when weapons are present. So that’s baseline - known problems with eye-witness testimony.

Now we have one of the two eye witnesses saying, in writing, that the other one doesn’t remember clearly and changes his version day to day (which seems normal and fits in with what is known about eye-witness testimony) even though they claim the prosecution’s case is strong specifically b/c of that eye-witness testimony. Wow!

And, finally, wasn’t it noted that there were no exit wounds? If that’s true (and before folks pile on, I’m admitting that I recall that being discussed as true but don’t know it to be true) then how could RG see a huge hole in the back of her shirt?

This is really something. I mean, the admission in writing that RG changes his recollection of events and does so often is

Edit to fix wonky punctuation.


Plus a “giant hole”. That may be a relative term but generally a “giant” exit hole would make you incapable of doing anything beyond lying on the ground.

Not that she should have been shot, of course.


Let me help you with your reading skills. What are you talking about? What admission by RG about not remembering the sequence of events? Was RG on here? NO! Isn’t Sdel quoting LK saying something about a conversation she had with RG?
What RG remembers perfectly is seeing MB shoot LK in the chest at point blank range and then firing his gun at him. What happened in the next 30 seconds is probably a blur. It would be for anyone.

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Thank you @Sdel for your thesis type research.


Also no mention from RG’s series of changing scenarios is there a tale of “then, after being shot, you beat him bloody with your phone”.


Three times? Four?
Its hard to keep track of all these changing recollections.

That may be true. But it means g-you stop claiming to know what happened or suggesting your testimony is reliable.
We’ve just seen, from LKs own freely offered words, that it isn’t.
In fact, it seems to conveniently change, to suit her needs.


Let’s not also forget the implications that LK is drawing her own recollection from RG’s statements.