UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Paints an interesting picture doesn’t it….I wonder what SS would think of it….


There it is!! Thanks so much!!! :laughing:


How does the restriction on staying in NJ work? Is there a time frame? The horses are in FL as is the farm, right?

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There is another Krol hearing in 3 months. Hopefully they will review the situation then and allow him to return to his Florida home.


Bless your heart. Time to let the gnashing of teeth go dear.

Thank you for proving my point, once again, to many people here. You never let me down.


It is not abuse or trashing someone when you’re stating the truth about their actions, behaviors, and what they’ve said publicly, IMO.

I’m not here to debate whether or not that helps MB. I’m just saying that it’s ridiculous that one cannot call a spade a spade without someone crowing about it being abuse, trashing, or whatever else.

I don’t if you’re the victim of the most heinous act, if you’re a bad person, then you’re a bad person. If you do bad things, people will talk about your bad things. Being a victim, IMO, doesn’t absolve you of your terrible acts or behaviors. Especially when there’s a clear pattern both before and after the act/occurrence that “made” you a victim.

In some cases, it may explain your behaviors or give a reason as to why you’re behaving that way, especially if there’s a noticeable change after a traumatic event. I’m not saying that being a victim doesn’t have an effect on you, it’s just that some love to say, “but they’re a victim!” well, they’re also a gobshite. Sure, you can be both, and it’s not a one or the other.

Edit: COTH doesn’t like when I swear


I guess it’s also possible in some warped way that they think if Barisone admits he shot her he’ll feel compelled to make it up to her by training her again. Just got to get the pesky women who aren’t “helping him” out of the way first….and the pesky ex-gf who wanted her gone before too.


Circling back to the whole helping (or not) MB.

Can we not post anything unless it’s in an effort to help MB?

Is that the rule now?

Or is that a way to silence opinions and/or facts in some cases?

I agree that many things on here won’t “help” MB, bur it’s a discussion board and the discussion will go on regardless, I think.

Now, if one were actually genuinely concerned about what will help MB…


I am just a Pony pondering a thought on how that training her again will work since MB stated he NEVER WANTS TO SEE LK AGAIN?



Go ask IM. Maybe he has a few ideas. But I don’t think they were ever too concerned with what MB wanted to begin with.


Honestly, I hope they leave the man and his connections the f alone. Move on!

I don’t think they’re capable though, sadly.


Ah at last dear old IM got themselves banned so we may never know, not that it’s keeping this Pony up at night.



I find it interesting that someone bolded a whole paragraph about how x, y, and z won’t help MB.

And then followed it up by remarking on what MB must do to get an unconditional release and to “deal” with his SafeSport status.

Very weird. How does CH know what MB needs to do? Why should we all listen to CH?



I think @DreadPirateRoberts needs to come revel us with a sea shanty about yesterday’s glorious news.


It is my perception that for some posters, they think that their unloading of hate and abuse on LK is somehow helping MB.

I don’t think it is. Trying to deny that her shot her, or that he shot her in self defense isn’t helping him either.

Go ahead and indulge in the pleasure of hate if that makes you happy. Just don’t pretend that you’re helping MB.

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Has always been very belligerent about any and all talk of LK being banned by SS. Others have been banned for less than what it is claimed that she’s done. And it seems like there is plenty of evidence of it too.


Yes, that’s your perception.

I mean, I’m not over here pretending about anything, tbh. Nor does the “pleasure of hate” make me happy. I can’t say that I’ve taken pleasure in hating something, except for when it comes to marmite and those silly people that like it! :wink:


Thanks! Being stuck in NJ for 3 months in the winter is another punishment :slight_smile: Hope he at least gets to visit with some horse friends there.


Being stuck in NJ is punishment enough IMO :rofl: doesn’t matter the time of year :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: