UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Oh. So she named herself after the street name for Ketamine. Nice. She is a “special” one. What a maroon.


I’m not finding anything under that username, bummer :confounded:

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I found it via another way, ignore my previous post lol. Getting my popcorn now…



My particular favorite is Lauren’s (completely recognizable) alter claiming that all the recordings have been released :rofl:


That sounds way too articulate and composed to be Lauren to me.



https://www.reddit.com/user/Special-KofKs/ In case some details were missed the first time around…why would we believe anyone but her would actually take the time to write all this.


Re the Reddit thread: OMG this is HILARIOUS!
Honestly, SpecialKofKs is Lauren at her delusional finest.

Old Bob must be golfing, so another personality has been invented.

Same old same old same old… and a sycophant Bumblebee clutching its pearls in gasping admiration.

She and her various personalities are the ones who need to be in Greystone, but we knew that.

Im caught between pity, since she is clearly unwell; loathing, at the harm she has caused; and I cant help it hilarity at the sheer ridiculousness of her posts.


What this twisted, demented idiot fails to understand is that every word she writes further illustrates that she was up to something by not leaving as no sane person would put up with what she allegedly put up with.

No one would have stayed yet this creature FOUGHT to stay. Why? Motive of course. Her plans had everything to do with a takeover because as I said there is no excuse or justification for her staying and her stories (if one were to assume those stories are true) just compound how obvious that is.


No pity from me as this creature hurts people, threatens and bullies them. Karma will have a blast with her. I’m cool with that.


I do wonder what condition her litter boxes are in.


I love a good popcorn fest as much as anyone on a wintry morning, but good grief, it doesn’t take long for mental exhaustion to set in. To save some of you the annoyance of bleeding eyeballs and a headache, here are some of the main points:

  1. It’s still all MHG’s fault.
  2. The “true love” relationship of MB and LO is called into question because how can you develop true love through “plexiglass.”
  3. MB’s “former victims” are “terrified” that he might return to Florida because they don’t want to be shot
  4. Lala has been working with a “team” of “trainers, clinicians and specialists” (I assume that means of the equestrian variety)
  5. Supposedly both Lala and MB have books and Netflix productions in the works.
  6. Regarding Safe Sport: If/when MB’s case goes to arbitration, the Ks have the “names and contact information” of his past “victims.” Seems like they’re threatening to sue SS if things don’t go their way. (Because that’s the K’s way, right?)

If it’s not Lala posting, my money is on Pop-a-Lot. Both have a penchant for demeaning the audience while pretending to educate them at the same time. But I think it’s Lala doing her best impersonation of a semi-rational human. She has an obsession with telling her side of her story. She needs to move on with her life but she. just. can’t.


Thank you. When I found the comments, I skimmed some, enough to get points one and two and I think four, but I just felt dirty and wanted out before I got any farther. Similar to how at some point I blocked her here because when I came to her posts I would try to read them, and besides the work/time wasted in trying to make sense of it, I just didn’t feel I wanted to spend more time in that brain.

(Edit to correct/clean up)


The excessive use of quotations does scream LK. At this point I don’t know why anyone reads her drivel.

ETA: I barely skimmed the Reddit thread and yeah, that’s 100% her. I recognize her speech pattern.


I am sure it is Robert Guy Goodwin’s job to keep those taken care of.


He’s the Demanureafacator.




One of the many wonderful things about Michael being released is that we no longer have to listen to LaLa.

I ain’t clicking that link.


Unless she has really dialed it back I don’t think LK is writing that. Not even promises of bombshells