UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Thank you I just don’t have the bandwidth for this anymore.


Oh @BITSA you have so much to look forward to if you have not kept up with the threads.

The threats online from LK. The Manifesto about Chess and capturing and killing. There are other manifestos as well. This is war. I am not responsible for what my other personalities do, etc, etc.

There was over 13,000 pages alone before the trial, there will be so much more now. If you are interested you will have to set aside a lot of time - and you can watch the 48 hours video.

She posted about 2 guns and how she looks after them, etc, however, in the trial admitted she lies online and one was only paid for and not picked up.

The recording everyone and posting it online with threats.

She had shot at RG while he was on his motorcycle in the past.

In the barn all times of day and night playing loud music so no one can sleep.

Yelling threats through doors so no one can sleep.

Found dressed as a barefoot ninja, creeping around in the dark, so no one could sleep.

Kept feeding horses treats she was told not to, upper level horses who are dope tested, so Ruth had to start sleeping in front of her horse. No she did not sleep there beforehand.

Drugs wrappings found so they now know that they have 2 drug addicts on the property. RG admitted to still using in Court.

The real threat of her burning down the barn with the horses in it.

They reported the illegal work RG had been doing and had everyone evicted. They went back after emailing the Fire Marshal which is against all protocols.

Looking up where MHG kids were now.

In the 48 hours they show a piece of paper marked with an X about child abuse from a report from LK. The Report has been proven as completely false. The kids were no longer even on the property. They were sent away because of LK.

Texts between LK, RG and her father, about suing MB before the main incident for lack of training. They called a vet to get the evidence. He refused because it was LK not turning up to lessons and competitions after her horse was transported there for her.

Texts between those 3 laughing about making MB homeless.

Ruth was bitten by the dog and an ambulance called. Nothing happens to the dog.

RG imitates shooting a gun at people and other itimidations including minor working students. The prosecutor laughed at the working student in the trial.

Mum and Dad also posting on SM as alters. The same parents who will not let LK in their home. She went to a hotel to recover being shot. Her parents did not look after her or have her in their home. Think about that.

She refused to move out with her horses when her father and a lawyer found her another place to go.

RG was out buying drugs while she was in the Hospital fighting for her life. There is proof of where he was from parking tickets or similar.

The main incident does not make sense. RG admits MB was quiet and demure. Both hands in the air. Then shot her and the scuffle which can be heard on a recording.

If this is true why is MBs phone on the table on the other side of the yard? You can hear Rosie barking the whole time on the tape. A barking dog is not biting. When did MB get bitten on the groin? when the police arrived so quickly and he was face down under RG.

Don’t get us started on the Police and their lack of professionalism, they believed RG when he said MB was the shooter. They did not collect the video RG said he had, they only tested LK for GSR and said it was not point blank. They let RG run around and put the dog back inside. They did not search any of the vehicles near by.

They did nothing about RG and father returning the next day and entering the police tapes to go inside to do what?

They did say that the trajectory of the bullet was upwards, not downwards with MB being taller.

The trial - NGRI works so inoften, it was a landmark trial. See the Dr for the prosecution, he got in everything the defence was not allowed to talk about.

The jury asked to see the Defence Doctors again. The jury seems to have believed them.

What did MB do? When she did not turn up to lessons, he had MHG and JH train her, which is actually what happened with every student.


You forgot about how RG was in clean clothes when the cop arrived after all this went down.


You forgot the slide bite on RG’s hand, from holding the gun in a firing position. :wink:


Great synopsis overall!


Poor @BITSA. Not quite the sh…-stirrer she hoped she would be.

Perhaps as you catch up reading the past history here you can take special note of Formerly Horseless’ work in you new, chosen position for better techniques. Oh, wait, wait. She got herself banned for baiting. Never mind!


Very well done!


Epic post. Epic. I might have to unheart it so I can heart it again.


I was thinking the Reddit posts are the bombshells. No one has picked up her book or movie options so this is her only place left to tell her story to the world.

Bumble may be her interlocutor, although I had wondered if it was someone from here purposely egging her on. Oh dear, I sound a bit like CH. Didn’t she accuse us of being all the people on SM who formed bad opinions of LK? Sorry, will watch that in future.


It could be CH feeding her questions she wants to answer… or Papapop or Mamapop. She and her family members have so many alters, it’s hard to tell who’s behind the keyboard anymore.


At this point with the Kanawrecks I just point and laugh at them.



I generally hate the word “loser” but it’s completely appropriate here, in every sense.



I noticed that she made a claim that RC would ALWAYS sleep on a mattress outside her horse’s stall when she was there. Obviously that explains away that she wasn’t sleeping outside the stall out of fear for her horse’s safety with LK around, but because she ALWAYS did that.

Interesting attempt to rewrite history a little, there.


Why is anyone still talking about LK?


Because she is inevitably entwined in this entire situation. Of course she will be talked about.


Well, there are still some legal hurdles to go that she will possibly be involved with. Barisone’s SafeSport sanction being a key issue.

Also… there’s apparently a Netflix documentary coming out and she will be featured.

And she’s claimed that she is pursuing litigation against various parties. 48 Hours, I think. Who knows if it’s true or not.

So she’s still a part of this story, as it continues to unfold.


For those who did not understand the verdict and wondered why MB is considered the victim and not the other way around.

Remember most of us had never heard of MB or know him. We simply followed the trial and heard all the facts and there are a few podcasts.

In the Grimm Podcast one of the girls said her biggest fear is meeting someone who comes along to destroy your life. It could have happened to us.


LK and her alter Bob Abooey, erm, Bumblebee are threatening to sue SafeSport if he’s reinstated.



I love that she thinks what she was doing was a “career” LOL


Wow. Thats really something.

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