UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Oh absolutely. Part of that audio recording no one has ever heard was their evil plan.


Yes. Something something somethingā€¦ and somehow RC was getting ā€œset up.ā€

Itā€™s all just gibberish.


If they thought RC was old, frail, and stupidā€¦ why would they want her to ā€œdo it?ā€ If I think someone is dumb as a box of rocks, Iā€™m certainly not including them in a murder plot.


This is a lot how I feel. For the same reason I cannot watch ā€˜Hoardersā€™ and the like: it is not pleasant to watch someoneā€™s mental illness play out in public. I donā€™t exactly feel sorry for her b/c she has caused so much damage to so many in profound ways (MB, Joey) and petty ways (following the young lady around Walmart mocking and filming her and hoping for an up-skirt shot). But I do feel icky any time I read her rambling screeds. Itā€™s sad and scary and sick and really low-life stuff. Like Tiger King, messed up, trashy, utterly uneducated/unintelligent, nasty stuff. Iā€™m astounded that people live like this, truly.


I am astounded that there are people who watch others live like that on all these reality shows. Yuck. Why?


I should clarify, Iā€™m not astounded that people live like hoarders live. I understand fully that that is an untreated mental health issue and I have nothing but compassion for them and do not see that as entertainment, so Iā€™m with you there.

What Iā€™m astounded at is that people like the Kanareks and Rob live like they do: making drama and enemies everywhere they go and even places theyā€™ve never been; the unhinged social media behaviour; the drugs; the lack of education, skills, careers; the constant craziness at all times.

ETA: the parent and child multiple arrests for assault, among others. :astonished:

Itā€™s just so profoundly dysfunctional and disturbing and that they whole family participates is just shocking. THATā€™s what Iā€™m astounded at. :astonished:


Well, the few times Iā€™ve watched one of these shows - I think it had to do with hoarding - they helped the person clean up their home and start a counseling program. It was sort of relieving to see that the person ended up in a much better life situation than how they started.

I also like to watch true crime shows because they solve the case and prosecute the perpetrators.

I like seeing the solution/resolutionā€¦


She posted several times that the recordingsā€”and maybe the videos (?)ā€”have been released and are public.

So there must be some ā€œsuper-secret placeā€ to go to listen to them. Anyone know?


I think only they know.


ā€œHe says he feels horrible for what he did. Heā€™s glad she survived and wishes the best for her,ā€ Lockwood reported.

This is from his psychologist. Not MB, so who knows what MB really thinks.


Exactly. Itā€™s what a reporter says that a psychologist said that MB said to the psychologist.

And itā€™s sort of vague. We can surmise he is very sorry she was shot, he is sorry for whatever role he played in the whole situation, and he is glad she survived.

Butā€¦ he hasnā€™t made a detailed statement admitting anything. I think he still has amnesia regarding what happened during the actual shooting and in the immediate aftermath. He did during the trial. Two psych professionals who examined him testified about it.


ā€¦ Or what ā€œwhat he didā€ even refers to.


That is confirmed in the above linked article.


Thanks for clarifying.


I love reading the Reddit posts because I find it hilarious that LK forgets that as SpecialKofKs she isnā€™t supposed to respond as Lauren, but does at times. At other times she responds as an outside observer. And her comment that she just watched some portion of the trial ā€œthe other dayā€ is weird, like she just canā€™t leave it alone.


Well, if the rest of her onscreen performances are on VHS or hidden away from the light of day (or SOs), then this is her daily fix of importance outside of her own scrambled brain.

Clearly she mistakes minor infamy with glamorous fame.


Those two statements from the psychiatrist are so incongruous - if in fact, they were reported verbatim in the article.

He says he feels horrible for what he did.

ā€¦he cannot recall anything about the so-called ā€œindex incident.ā€

I am betting the doctor said something like, ā€œHe says that he feels horrible for what happened.ā€ Or simply ā€œI feel horrible about itā€ - which is not exactly an admission that he now accepts that he DID do it.


She has to keep refreshing her memory of things, so she can develop a storyline about it for Netflix or her book or her Manifesto Part 2. Or is it Part 3 by now?

Her MO is to take a nugget of truth and embellish or obfuscate it to make her look like Miss Goody Two-Shoes, while MB/MHG/RC/LO/JH, etc., are all a bunch of big meanies who wanted her dead.


I know!! When she called her mom Mrs Kanarekā€¦ !!! Its so bizarre and ridiculous. Like anyone actually believes its not her.

It wouldnt surprise me if she were the Bumbledork as wellā€¦ the Bumbles questions are so perfectly scriptedā€¦

Its all a lesson in mental illness :scream:


ExtraSpecialK loves to talk about herself in the third person all while claiming she was merely barn staff - who would not know everything in the minute details that she ā€œsharesā€ and elaborates on at such length. It is rather sadā€¦ and so transparently and obviously her. But no one else is supposed to be smart enough to figure that out.

LK has always been her own worst enemy. :roll_eyes:

I am still waiting for all those magnificent bombshellsā€¦