UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Not to mention some comments she made somewhere about how experimentation with recreational drugs was no biggie and “everyone’s parents played around with them at one point” or some malarky like that. :roll_eyes:


And don’t forget what happened to the Tiger King. He’s in prison now.


I think they are two separate sisters.

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And is a household name and a household joke.


Even though I have lived a relatively quiet, crime free life, I would not want Netflix investigating me. The thought of all the KKlan shenanigans coming to light after all this time, is just too good to be true. They obviouly have no idea what they are in for if this does come to fruition.We can hope though, can’t we?


Talk about a series that would keep me glued to the screen. Particularly exposing the Kanawrecks for who and what they are - horrible people.


I know who most of these people are but who is BigMama? I don’t remember their role in the LK / MB drama.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I think Big Mama was a poster in the MB threads that Lauren found her actual identity of. BIG mama if I recall said little, and posted rarely, if I recall, do it goes to show you how charged she was to attack anyone she could find the identity of. She contacted her trainer and employer, saying terrible things about her. Neither one was concerned, as it was obvious to them it came from someone unhinged. But the fact that she stalked someone she was able to dentify was stunnungly psychotic, and serves to qualify just how evil Laren Kanareck really is. It also served to solidify the behaviour she displayed at MBs farm, and that this maneuver was probably only the tip of the iceberg of the kinds of things she did to MB and MHG and the children and employees and other boarders there. She’s a grifter drug addict who tries to blackmail people and use whatever she can to injure them. She didn’t limit herself to MB. She has victims all over the place, including on this BB, and they aren’t quiet about what she’s done. Some even have court cases against her they havent been able to aerve her on, i think. She’s a real piece of work, and it won’t be hard for investigative networks like Netflix to suss out what she’s really like.


Karma is coming.


Oh wow. Crazy and scary.


That’s right. She was a poster on the Barisone threads and a pretty mild one at that. They figured out her IRL identity and called both her employer and her trainer to tell them Bigmama was posting on these threads.

Again, this is the source of whatever grubby power they have. People with jobs, careers, reputations are vulnerable to their attacks while they themselves have no such accomplishments to threaten. It’s sleazy and sad, but I guess that’s the only way to feel powerful if you have nothing else.

The fact that they care so much about these forums is confirmed by the stalking of Bigmama and the calls to her employer and trainer. I mean, just imagine doing that. The mind reels.


Channeling Lauren Shay Kanarek…


I am nasty to so many and they’re talking about me! I know, I’ll prove to the world that I’m not a nasty piece if work so I’ll track down individual identities and call their trainer and their employer and complain! That’ll prove to the world that I’m not Rhoda Penmark come to life…

You can almost hear that churning around in her brain and passing for flawless logic.



To go back almost to the beginning of the saga, WHO DOES THAT?


More activity over on Reddit! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Funny that she accuses others of being unhinged while displaying exactly how unhinged she is. As if there is suddenly a 4 year employee of HH that moved with LK, rides LK’s horses, attends events with LK and family, and has access to the illegal recordings LK and RG made. If that is a separate person, and not LK herself, then that person has opened LK up for a lawsuit for distribution of illegally obtained recordings. NJ is a one person consent state, so unless LK or RG were a part of the conversations they recorded, they’re now liable not only for recording, but for distribution of those recordings.


Oh come on @Jenerationx, you aren’t talking about silly details like the law are you???


I’m pretty sure there were emails, not phone calls, but even more mind boggling, except her trainer and employer found them highly entertaining.


I know, silly little details. I’m thankful that CH is gone and can’t come back to go around and around about why they thought the recordings were legal. As if a prosecutor wouldn’t have used legal recordings if they had something incriminating on them. I’d love to know what link to those recordings LK has apparently been sharing… illegally.


My guess is it would be a Dropbox….


Yeah, she’s been very busy over there. Among other things, she says she and her dad have contacted Andreas Helgstrand himself to complain about the mean girls on COTH. I suspect he’s got bigger headaches to deal with these days.

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