UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

It reminds of the Nicky pee pee situation all over again. Just when you’d think he finally had grown a brain, he would show up again and prove very emphatically that he had not :rofl:


Or prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they are off their meds!


It’s all just so bizarre and easy to debunk. Yeah, a person that worked at HH for 4 years and was at Dressage Under the Stars…hmm…who could that be? Wait…

Also, anyone that backs Helgstrand is disgusting to me. Yes, I know I am on this forum and I know the ownership of COTH details, but really? You want to support someone and a cruelty scandal? That’s laughable at best. Then again, if you too use questionable methods to get to “the top” and aren’t about the horses, the proper training, and the journey, it’s no surprise.


Worked at what is my question.


Diddly squat.


Man, I actually tried to read some of that and now I feel dirty.


My thing is, you can’t call people unhinged while you, yourself, are writing a fantasy of sorts.


The conversations between special k of k’s and sock puppet bumblebeeexcellent15 are seriously demented.


Is that the new fantasy scenario? Holy heck, that’s the easiest cover story ever to debunk. HH didn’t have a staff of thousands. There is a small number of people who could fit this description: female, worked at HH from roughly Aug 2015 to Aug 2019.

I’m guessing less than half a dozen.

There are even fewer who would meet the final criteria: was very close to LK during her time at HH, remained friends with her, and has been seen out at at least one FL dressage event with LK and family.

I’m guessing 0.

There are many, many people who know who all the players who were there the 4 years leading up to the incident. And many people who report seeing the K family the few times they’ve been to the special events. If there had been a HH former employee with them at any time, people would have noticed and everyone would know that who that person is.

It is honestly and genuinely sad that a middle-aged woman is online pretending to be her own super loyal, devoted friend who just happens to know every detail of the incident and LK’s life thereafter. Sincerely, given how flimsy the cover story is and how easy it is for anyone in the know to know for certain that no such person exists - I don’t know, it’s just really, really sad.



Erm, Helgstrand himself is a bad apple.

It’s also kind of funny that the K’s allegedly reached out to quash “unfair allegations”… Do they not know there is video and actual evidence? Helgstrand was targeted due to his abusive training methods and what he let go on at his facility. End of. The public is unforgiving because they shouldn’t be forgiving! Really, the public shouldn’t say, “Oh, it’s OK, we give zero f*cks about the sport and animal welfare, it’s fine.”

How demented can you be? They never fail to impress with their arrogance and detachment from reality, I will give them that!


Oh give me a break. Tha t a the stupidest thing she’s ever ever said. And she’s said alot of stupid things.

Can you imagine Lauren and her pathetic father trying to snuggle up to Helgstrand? That man has enough troubles on his plate, can you imagine the optics of actually being associated with those grifters?,

Or worse, maybe he’s their next target.


Remember when she claimed that she got that DressageHub lady banned from the warmup arenas because she defended her “girls” against her? There’s a screenshot of her claiming that somewhere “now my girls can ride in peace” or something like that. As if she’s friends with the entire Canadian team. That’s just hilarious.


Blinded by money, arrogance, and big names. It’s a huge soft/weak spot of theirs. Plus they have zero morals, so there’s that too.

These are just my opinions as a nobody, of course.


So, now, LK has even more details about Helgstrand than the public knows and she’s keeping those details ‘hush-hush to protect the integrity of his establishments’?

Sounds like a veiled threat that the Ks have inside and incendiary info about Helgstrand that they are currently keeping quiet about but, of course, could divulge whenever they wished.

Mind, it’s absolute fantasy, but still very creepy.


She likes to go to the Friday Night Stars.

Interestingly, the URL for that is gdf. coth. com

For the past couple of years, Beerbaum & Helgstrand have had an open house in mid January. Wonder if there will be one in 2024.


She probably feels she has to defend Helgstrand because she did train with a couple of his trainers when she moved to Florida. So of course the criticism of Helgstrand must be “unfair”, or else she’s going to get lumped in with him. Remember that odd tie-down setup she rode with?


Wow! A few days ago I doubted Special K is Lauren. I stand corrected.


Bombshells, baby!


The irony of a person who always records others unknowingly to “gottcha” them is the same person who doesn’t believe a “gottcha” video!