UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Do “we” know if the hearing really happened? Would there be a public record of it being postponed?

I’ve thought for some time and am afraid that the court/doctors are waiting/wanting MB to agree/confess to having shot LK, but I don’t know how he can so it’s just a vicious circle. Round and round he goes.


The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!

The Holy Bible - Luke 12:2-3 (King James Version)



MB did shoot LK.

He was acquitted by reason of insanity. I would think that moving beyond the insanity and into reality would involve acknowledging to himself that be shot someone.

Whether his doctors and the courts want to see that he understands that he shot somone before releasing him, I wouldn’t know.

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Well @CurrentlyHorseless, you will be very disappointed to know that Michael had over 21 days of excursions, as well as overnights.

And CurrentlyHorseless, you will also be disappointed to know that Michael completed at least 20 individual sessions with a psychiatrist and 60 group sessions.

Michael’s treatment team of both his psychiatrist and psychologist testified that he went above and beyond to complete treatment assignments and move up through the levels of progression he needed to in order to earn the privileges of days and nights out.

Maybe LO did not see the need to report every time Michael farts to the GFM.

The state could not prove their burden so Michael earned his release. It was determined by Judge Taylor today that Michael is of no threat to himself, others or property!

I wouldn’t wait around waiting for a mea culpa from you @CurrentlyHorseless because I do not think you are capable of it.

And in case you want to argue about it @CurrentlyHorseless, I was in the courtroom for the entire proceeding!


Thank you for this most amazing update!! I am so happy for Michael and LO and all their team!




Now there’s a bombshell, a good one!
Thanks so much for being there and updating all of us!


So interesting that someone knew to question the status of overnights today……

Anywho…seems like congratulations are in order for LO and MB.


This is the best news I’ve had all year frankly - and just in time to spend the holidays with his loved ones. Much to be thankful for :heart: shame it took this damn long though!


Oh, happy day!!!

Finally, justice has prevailed. Thank you @cutter99 for bringing the glad tidings to all!!

ETA: big ups to the Barisone legal team but even more so to LO. This would never have happened without her. To think, she knew him, her daughter was a WS there, hell, she was on site the day of the incident, but who could have foreseen that she was going to be so instrumental to getting this miscarriage of justice righted?

And she kept quiet and class the whole time. Never put a foot wrong.


You make a good point: home for Thanksgiving!!! :turkey:


Best news ever! Will he be released today or is the release drawn out?


Wonderful news that he has been working a treatment plan this whole time and making progress towards reclaiming his life and feeling well again!

Thanks for the update @cutter99


Thank you for the update @cutter99. Thank you for going to the hearing to report back.

So happy for team Michael!




Very interesting.


So very well said! Also - props to Michael for persevering. I can’t even fathom what the last four years have been like and how monumental today feels for them.


Gosh I can’t like this enough. I am so happy for MB and LO, and I am SO GLAD that he had excursions and outings and overnights. Hallelujah for clear-minded treatment team and the end of this nightmare!


Agree 100%! Thank you so much to @cutter99 for the update! I almost cried when I saw the subject tile change. About damned time!


There was never any evidence of that other than the word of 2 known drug addicts.

ETA: One of which testified to lying on social media.


Fabulous news!

So what happens to the appeal? Does it just disappear, or does it still proceed to a finding? Call me a cynic, but if the appeal were to have found that Taylor ruled wrongly in the first Krol hearing, does he now escape any official reprimand?