UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

Oof. It obviously kills them that eggbutt just doesn’t engage anymore. Not here, not on facebook, nowhere. Just doesn’t give a fig about them any longer. She got her info out, got people engaged and contributing, and then walked away from all this.

No one thinks Watercress whatever is Lauren. No thinks any poster but SKoK is Lauren. Calling people eggbutt is just projection/distraction b/c SKoK was so easily IDed. It must be embarrassing to be outed as your own adoring super friend. :heart_eyes:


Banned. And many posters who were threatened by Lauren via PMs were somewhat relieved.


She has the sleuthing skills of NP when announcing they know the identities.


That must be an inherited skill, because Jonathan Kanarek had a similar level of that skill. Though I still take it as a compliment that he called me LO and I am still upset that he backed out on our meet up that he scheduled.


@trubandloki don’t be disappointed you didn’t get to meet Jonathan! I am sure he was not worth the hype!


That was classic. :laughing:

As was the insinuation that @cutter was a COTH employee.

So many, many swings and misses with that family.


Just to I make sure I’m following correctly…

The banned CH and LK have moved over to the trash that is Redditt.

CH is STILL blabbering on and on, over and over about nothing and LK is pretending she has a bestie? Hilarious. How utterly sad and insane do you have to be, to invent friends and actually believe you’re fooling anyone. This chick is absurd. PSA KIDS: don’t do drugs.

CH, I was always amused that you decided to lie down with the pigs but now you’ve decided to roll around and stink like them too? Lol. Love it!!! Bravo!! You’re guys are just so clever. :rofl:


The name on the door, to quote Inigo Montoya, aka Jonathon K on 48Hours.


LOL, Nick Peronace was alway so wrong about his sleuthing, it was funny to see him get all worked up and draw bizzare conclusions and know how off on the wrong tangent he was. For him to go all the way to court suing a person - the wrong person, who had a similar, but not the same online name of someone he had decided to hate, someone who had rarely said anything more to him than to ask a question about his lovely horse, was the pinnacle of supidity. Probably one of the stupidest narcississts around.

And some of them are dumb; alot of them are dumb, but he was right up there with the best. And boy, Lauren is right there with him. A dumber attempt at being a bully has rarely been demonstrated by anyone than Lauren Kanarek, and her father and mother. Just, dumber than a bag of hammers, the whole family.

And they brag about it!


See that’s aĺl part of their 56D strategy: to be so smart that to the rest of the world they look enormously ridiculous.

All part of the strategy.



Can we all agree that being an addict is not a character flaw? I know that a lot of you don’t have much experience with addiction. I do. My son is an addict and I work with addicts. It is not a character flaw. It is how their brain chemistry reacts to substances.

I have never met an addict who said they enjoyed being addict or that they would have taken that first hit of whatever if they had known then what they knew now.

We wouldn’t deride someone for having cancer, would we? No, we wouldn’t. We would see if for the physical process/disease that it is. Same with addiction. It is a disease. So, can we stop listing addiction as a moral failing? Please?


Just a shout out to all the people who obsessively read this forum but who, for whatever reason coughbannedcough, cannot engage here: I have never commented on Reddit and never will.

That site hurts my eyes it’s so wonky and weird. I do not have an account there and could not even really navigate the site when I clicked the link provided here. I basically only know what’s reposted via COTH.




Here’s the big difference: help for addiction is easily available to almost anyone who wants it. Addicts can choose to get help. Cancer patients, not so much.

I don’t want to hijack the thread, but comparing addiction to cancer makes me very uncomfortable.


Wanted to add as a cancer survivor myself and someone who worked extensively with cancer patients in a clinical trial setting, the idea that we don’t deride people for having cancer is 100% not accurate. Sad, but true.


It’s true. I had members of my family do it.


@FitzE, oh come on, you know this entire board is over commenting on Reddit.

It is part of our plan for world domination!

And then all will wear bathrobes!


Not true in every area. Especially in rural areas. Addiction is not a moral failing. We hear all the time about fund raisers for children or favorite teachers or a local fixture of the horse community that has cancer. The jars sitting on store counters with a picture of a local man needing money for a bone marrow transplant.

How many collection jars do you see with a meth addict’s face on it, asking for money for rehab? You just don’t see that. How many pancake breakfast fundraisers have you gone to in order to raise money for your neighbor’s heroin addicted daughter?

All I am saying is that addiction is not a character fault, and yet I see it counted here on par with perjury and character assassination. Can we just not do that?
P.S. I am not talking about fund raising done on a larger scale, where a tasteful evening of cocktails and a silent auction removes someone in active addiction from the picture. I am talking about local, you-know-these-people or at least you know of them. When was the last time anybody brought a pan of lasagna over to the family who just got back from a 16 hour drive to get their 15 year old to the only rehab that had a bed open?


Same. I can’t be bothered.


It’s not that she is an addict. It’s that in spite of that she conducts herself as being elevated above everyone else. Her air of superiority. Her lack of self assessment. Her putting others beneath her. And she insults and demeans for ridiculous reasons such as the target working for a living.